The Meeting received and discussed the report from the Service Delivery Manager (SDM) contained within the circulated reports pack.
1. Old Ashes Plots
It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED to delegate to the SDM, working within budget, to purchase the following : gravel bags at £5 per bag; (estimate of 16 bags costing a total of £80); wildflower seed at £35 from budget code 6104 General Site Maintenance with an estimated total cost of £115.
2. Moss control to pathways
It was RESOLVED to note.
3. Headstone Survey
It was RESOLVED to note.
4. No Mow May & Wilding Areas
It was RESOLVED to note the report and that the PCC Members will consider the proposed locations as discussed during the site visit, reporting back to a future meeting.
5. Churchyard Double Gate
The SDM confirmed that whilst the gate is looking tired, it is safe and suitable for use. The committee may wish to consider budgeting for replacement at a future date
After a discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Samuels, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED to delegate authority to the SDM to obtain quotes for a replacement gate, reporting back to the next meeting.