Venue: Guildhall
No. | Item | ||||||||||
Prayers. Minutes: Councillor Yates led prayers. |
Health and Safety Announcements Minutes: The Chairman informed those present of the actions required in the event of a fire or emergency. |
Declarations of Interest a. To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.
b. Acting Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration. Minutes: a. To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.
b. Acting Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration.
None. |
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note. |
Monthly Crime Figures PDF 15 KB Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note. |
Report by Community Enterprises PL12 PDF 188 KB Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note. |
Cornwall Gateway Community report for noting or matters arising PDF 283 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note. |
Cornwall Gateway Community Action Points for Reports PDF 256 KB Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note. |
To receive a report on behalf of Safer Saltash Minutes: No Report. The next Safer Saltash meeting to be held on 7th April 2022. |
To receive a report from Saltash Chamber of Commerce Minutes: Councillor Martin gave a brief verbal update.
It was RESOLVED to note. |
To receive a report from the Climate Change and Environmental Working Group Minutes: No report. The Working Group have not met since their last meeting. |
To receive a report from Cornwall Councillors Minutes: Cornwall Councillor Worth gave a verbal update to Members.
Support for Ukraine Cornwall Council have held many internal discussions and are ready to provide various support to refugees arriving from Ukraine. Up to date information can be found on Cornwall Council’s website which is constantly updated.
Tamar Bridge The request for a 30% cash increase is required to be approved by an act of parliament. Therefore, an application has been made to the Department of Transport for approval of the increase in cash fares. Approval of the increase can take time to progress, tag users will see an increase prior to those using cash payments for the use of the bridge or ferry.
Councillor Worth explained the tag does not come under the same legislation as cash payments. The tag is not seeing an increase in cost but rather a reduction in the discount offered for frequent users. Due to the lack of use since the pandemic the revenue received has seen a decrease. The discount offered through the Tamar Tag has had to be reduced in order to cover the shortfall of revenue. Councillor Worth spoke of various avenues being explored by Cornwall Council for additional support in covering the loss of revenue.
Bus Services Cornwall Council has secured twenty-three million in a funding deal with central government to assist in subsidised fares to Cornish residents travelling within Cornwall.
It was RESOLVED to note. |
To consider Risk Management reports as may be received Minutes: None. |
Questions - A 15-minute period when members of the public may ask questions of Members of the Council Please note: Any member of the public requiring to put a question to the Council must do so 24 hours prior to the meeting by writing or email. Minutes: None. |
To ratify minute number 421/21/22 of the Saltash Town Council Meeting held on the 3rd March 2022. Minutes: 421/21/22 TO CONSIDER URGENT NON-FINANCIAL ITEMS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN.
Support for Ukraine The Chairman informed Members that The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) joined the Local Government Association (LGA) in endorsing a statement from the political leadership of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), which strongly condemns the multiple attacks and violations of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Bickford and RESOLVED that Saltash Town Council endorses the statement in support and solidarity with peers in Ukraine.
It was proposed by Councillor Stoyel, seconded by Councillor Griffiths and RESOLVED to give delegated authority to the Acting Town Clerk, liaising with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to offer additional community support as deemed required and within the powers of the Town Council.
The above resolutions are to be ratified at Thursday 7th April 2022 Full Town Council meeting.
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Foster and RESOLVED to ratify minute 421/21/22 of the Saltash Town Council meeting held on the 3rd March 2022. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Gillies and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held on Thursday 3rd March 2022were confirmed as a true and correct record.
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Extraordinary Full Town Council Meeting held on Tuesday 15th March 2022were confirmed as a true and correct record. |
Additional documents: Minutes: a. To advise the following receipts in:
i. February 2022
It was RESOLVED to note.
b. To advise the following payments in:
ii. February 2022
It was RESOLVED to note.
c. Urgent and essential works actioned by the Acting Town Clerk under Financial Regulations.
d. To note that bank reconciliations up to 28th February 2022 were reviewed as correct by the Chairman of Policy & Finance Committee and the Acting Town Clerk.
It was RESOLVED to note.
e. To note that an audit on recent supplier payments was conducted by the Chairman of Policy & Finance in line with the Councils Financial Regulations. It was noted that there are no discrepancies to report.
It was RESOLVED to note. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: a. Policy and Finance held on Tuesday 8th March 2022
a. Civic Awards Policy
It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND to Full Town Council to be held on Thursday 7th April 2022 to adopt the amendments to the Civic Awards Policy.
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to defer the Civic Awards Policy to a future Policy and Finance meeting to give further consideration to the discrepancies within the policy.
b. Awarding the Freedom of the Town
It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and resolved to RECOMMEND to Full Town Council to be held on Thursday 7th April 2022 to adopt the Awarding the Honorary Freedom of Saltash Policy.
It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Martin and RESOLVED to approve the above recommendation.
b. Extraordinary Personnel held on Thursday 10th March 2022
It was proposed by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Dent and resolved to RECOMMEND to the next Full Council meeting to implement the NJC back pay award of 1.75% for the year 2021-22.
It was proposed by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Griffiths and RESOLVED to approve the above recommendation.
c. Planning and Licensing held on Thursday 10th March 2022
It was RESOLVED to note the minutes. There were no recommendations.
d. Personnel held on Tuesday 29th March 2022
It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Martin and resolved to RECOMMEND to Full Council:
1. A Saltash Day be awarded to all staff on Friday 23rd December 2022.
2. The Christmas shutdown period commences on Thursday 22nd December 2022 at 5pm and re-opens on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 at 9am.
This will not apply to operational staff who are required to remain on duty during this period by an on call system.
It was proposed by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED to approve the above recommendation.
a. Local Government Pension Scheme for the year 2022-23.
It was proposed by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Dent and resolved to RECOMMEND to the next Full Council meeting to be held on Thursday 7th April 2022 to approve and adopt the Local Government Pension Scheme for the year 2022-2023.
It was proposed by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED to approve the above recommendation.
It was proposed by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Dent and resolved to RECOMMEND to Full ... view the full minutes text for item 18/22/23 |
Minutes: a. To receive a letter from The Lord Lieutenant's and Bishop of Truro's Cornish Platinum Jubilee Parade.
It was RESOLVED to note. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Acting Town Clerk informed Members of Cornwall Council’s Terms and Conditions (Agreement) stated within the documents before them.
The Acting Town Clerk confirmed the Agreement seems in order and appropriate to the grant funding being awarded. However, if requested this evening, legal advice can be sought on behalf of Saltash Town Council and the Agreement revisited at a later stage.
The Acting Town Clerk checked the Town Council were aware of the importance of the procurement process whilst the Town Team deliver the project on behalf of Saltash Town Council as the Accountable Body, by asking if Members had any questions or concerns.
The Acting Town Clerk added that if the procurement processes and measures are not adhered to the Town Council will be deemed to have defaulted on the Agreement risking the funding and potentially undelivered project.
The Acting Town Clerk reminded Members that Cornwall Council have the right to terminate the contract by giving 3 months’ notice.
The Acting Town Clerk informed Members that a copy of the Town Council’s Financial Regulations and Standing Orders have been provided to Cornwall Council in accordance with the Agreement.
The Acting Town Clerk wished to make Members aware of these important points contained within the Agreement prior to a resolution at this evening’s meeting and signing of documents.
Members confirmed their understanding and commitment of the Agreement as the Accountable Body.
Members of the Town Team requested administration support be provided and confirmed funding had been allocated for this purpose within the application.
It was proposed by Councillor Gillies, seconded by Councillor B Samuels and RESOLVED:
1. To approve STC to act as the accountable body for the Town Vitality Funding Grant including the proposals that the Town Vitality Funding Grant would be used to fund and support a Saltash community space – a new green realm in the retail heart of the town.
2. That the Town Team ascertain the level of administration support required to deliver the project informing the Acting Town Clerk and Chairman of the Personnel Committee for further consideration, subject to the volume of work and Officer availability. |
Minutes: Cllr Yates gave a brief overview of the referendum result and requested consideration be given to future reviews, and progress made of the SNP document, should amendments be required.
Cllr Yates added that the index to the SNP document will be made available and asked all Members to familiarise themselves with the content and its location within the SNP document.
Councillors thanked Councillor Yates for all his hard work on delivering the Saltash Neighbourhood Plan.
It was RESOLVED to note the Declaration of Result of Poll for the Saltash Neighbourhood Plan Referendum. |
Minutes: Members discussed the use of the Town Seals and the requirement of strict controls to be implemented to ensure the seals are used on appropriate material relating to the Queens Jubilee.
The Acting Town Clerk confirmed internal processes and safeguards have been implemented should Members approve delegated authority, with the use of the Town Seals to be authorised by the Acting Town Clerk.
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and RESOLVED to approve delegated authority to the Acting Town Clerk to authorise the use of the Town Seals on material deemed appropriate relating to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events.
Councillor Bickford declared an interest in the next agenda item and left the meeting. |
To receive and consider the following s106 application: PDF 98 KB Additional documents: Minutes: a. Saltash Gateway CIC t/a Community Enterprises PL12.
It was RESOLVED to note.
Councillor Bickford was invited and returned to the meeting. |
Planning: a. To note that Councillor Lennox-Boyd will vote upon the information before her at the meeting but in the light of subsequent information received at Cornwall Council, Councillor Lennox-Boyd may vote differently at that meeting.
b. To note that if Councillor Lennox-Boyd wishes to recommend opposite to the Town Council’s view she will contact the Town Council by email. Considering time constraints, the Town Council will then hold an online poll of Councillors to determine whether to accept the Officer’s view or to ask for the application to be called into committee. The results of these polls will be read into the record at the next Town Council meeting. Members of the public may request, via the Clerk, to be copied into any correspondence.
c. Applications for consideration:
PA22/00721 Mr Knipe – Land North West of Dartana Forder Cornwall PL12 4QR Conversion of redundant outbuilding into a single dwelling. Ward: Trematon Date received: 14/03/22 Response date: 21/04/22
Minutes: a. To note that Councillor Lennox-Boyd will vote upon the information before her at the meeting but in the light of subsequent information received at Cornwall Council, Councillor Lennox-Boyd may vote differently at that meeting.
b. To note that if Councillor Lennox-Boyd wishes to recommend opposite to the Town Council’s view she will contact the Town Council by email. Considering time constraints, the Town Council will then hold an online poll of Councillors to determine whether to accept the Officer’s view or to ask for the application to be called into committee. The results of these polls will be read into the record at the next Town Council meeting. Members of the public may request, via the Clerk, to be copied into any correspondence.
c. Applications for consideration:
PA22/00721 Mr Knipe – Land North West of Dartana Forder Cornwall PL12 4QR Conversion of redundant outbuilding into a single dwelling. Ward: Trematon Date received: 14/03/22 Response date: 21/04/22
It was proposed by Councillor Yates, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND REFUSAL on the grounds of:
1. The application not adhering to the Local Planning Policy,
2. The application falls within a conservation area,
3. No demonstrable need, requirement or evidence for additional housing,
4. The adverse impact on conservation interests and biodiversity opportunities,
5. Highways issues such as insufficient vehicular access and safety concerns,
6. Potential noise or disturbance resulting from use,
7. Additional pressure on the capacity of physical infrastructure resulting in higher risks of flooding due to insufficient drainage in the area,
8. Loss of trees,
9. Loss of privacy for those dwelling in near proximity,
10. Several anomalies contained within the application proving difficult to ascertain the application requirements and specifications to follow. |
Meet your Councillors: The next scheduled meeting date is Saturday 9th April 2022 outside Bloom Hearing, Fore Street. Minutes: It was RESOLVED that Councillors Bickford, Martin, Miller and Yates are to attend the next scheduled meeting date. |
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 To resolve that pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Minutes: To resolve that pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. |
To consider any items referred from the main part of the agenda. Minutes: None. |
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting. Minutes: To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting. |
To consider urgent non-financial items at the discretion of the Chairman. Minutes: Annual Town Council Report Members discussed the need for further amendments to establish consistency and to be coherent throughout the report.
Members requested the latest amended version of the document be provided, with a deadline date for review and feedback to ensure there is no further delay in publication.
It was proposed by Councillor Griffiths, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and RESOLVED to give delegated authority to the Acting Town Clerk to finalise the report to be received at the Annual Town Council meeting to be held on Thursday 5th May 2022 for approval prior to publication.
Saltash Town Council Stall at Mayfair Members discussed distribution of the Annual Town Council Report with an offer made by the Treasurer of the Mayfair Committee to have a Saltash Town Council stall at this year’s Mayfair event to be held on Saturday 7th May 2022 at no cost to Saltash Town Council.
It was proposed by Councillor Bullock, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to hold a Saltash Town Council stall at this year’s Mayfair event to increase the Town Council’s visibility and to further engage with the community.
The above resolutions are to be ratified at the Annual Town Council meeting to be held on Thursday 5th May 2022.
To confirm any press and social media releases associated with any agreed actions and expenditure of the meeting. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Bickford and RESOLVED to issue the following Press and Social Media releases:
1. Saltash Town Council Stall at Saltash Mayfair 2022.
Date of next meeting: Minutes: The Annual Meeting of Saltash Town Council to be held on Thursday 5th May 2022 at 7:00 p.m. |
Common Seal: To Order that the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to all Deeds and Documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing Acts and Proceedings. Minutes: It was RESOLVED that the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to all Deeds and Documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing Acts and Proceedings. |