Venue: Guildhall
No. | Item | ||||||
Health and Safety Announcements. Minutes: The Chairman informed those present of the actions required in the event of a fire or emergency. |
Declarations of Interest: a. To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.
b. The Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration. Minutes: a. To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.
b. The Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration.
None. |
Public Questions - A 15-minute period when members of the public may ask questions of the Town Council. Please note: Any member of the public requiring to put a question to the Town Council must do so by email or via The Guildhall no later than 12 noon the day before the meeting.
Members of the public are advised to review the Receiving Public Questions, Representations and Evidence at Meetings document prior to attending the meeting. Minutes: None received. |
To welcome, Julian Mitchel National Highways Saltash Tunnel Manager to discuss major tunnel works and consider any actions. Minutes: The Chairman informed Councillors that Julian Mitchel was unable to attend the meeting this evening. He gave the background to the invitation regarding the planned future tunnel works and the concern for the impact on Saltash residents, businesses, workers and visitors.
It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Bickford and RESOLVED to:
1. Call an Extraordinary Full Council meeting on a date and time that Julian Mitchel is available to attend;
2. Delegate authority to the Town Clerk working with the Chairman and Vice Chairman to write to key stakeholders to include Sheryll Murray MP, Cornwall and Plymouth transport portfolio holders, transport companies and the Tamar Bridge Joint Committee.
Minutes: Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.
It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 7th March 2024 were confirmed as a true and correct record. |
Minutes: Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.
It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Foster and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Extraordinary Full Town Council Mayor and Deputy Mayor Elect held on 21st March 2024 were confirmed as a true and correct record. |
(Pursuant to the Annual Meeting with Parishioners of Saltash held on 7.3.24 minute nr. 3/23/24) Minutes: Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.
It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Peggs and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Annual Meeting with Parishioners of Saltash held on 2nd March 2023 were confirmed as a true and correct record. |
Additional documents: Minutes: a. Policy and Finance held on 12 March 2024
It was RESOLVED to note the minutes and consider the following recommendation.
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Bickford and resolved to RECOMMEND the Hire of Town Council Premises and Events Policy to Full Council to be held on 4April 2024 (as attached).
It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Foster and RESOLVED to note the minutes and approve the above recommendation.
b. Planning and Licensing held on 19 March 2024
It was RESOLVED to note the minutes. There were no recommendations.
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note the minutes. There were no recommendations. |
To receive and note the Chairman's Report. Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note. |
To receive the Monthly Crime Figures and consider any actions. Minutes: The Chairman commented that whilst the monthly crime figures had been made available, it was difficult to interpret them in isolation. Cornwall Councillor Frank reported that Safer Saltash have been provided with more in depth figures and she will share this with Town Councillors after checking this is permitted.
It was RESOLVED to note. |
Minutes: The Chairman on behalf of CEPL12 asked Members to think about any areas of need in Saltash that CEPL12 could help or partner with. Members were asked to feed their thoughts direct to CEPL12.
It was RESOLVED to note. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note. |
To receive a report on behalf of Safer Saltash and consider any actions and associated expenditure. Minutes: Councillor Peggs gave a verbal report on behalf of Councillor Lennox-Boyd who was unable to attend the meeting.
The latest meeting included discussions on engagement with schools on knife crime, a monthly police surgery being held in the town, criminal justice reform, a partner programme with Plymouth Argyle Football Club working with young people at risk of offending, Storybooks for Dads and building work in the community by prisoners. It was noted that volunteers working in the community may qualify for ‘volunteer time credits’ which can be used towards accessing activities which includes Beryl Bikes. There was also a presentation on the 20mph speed restriction being introduced in Saltash with a consultation due to be held in May. There were discussions on average speed cameras on North Road/New Road.
It was RESOLVED to note. |
To receive a report from Saltash Chamber of Commerce and consider any actions and associated expenditure. Minutes: Nothing to report. |
Minutes: Members received the report submitted by Cornwall Councillor Frank contained within the circulated reports pack.
Cornwall Councillor Frank referred to the introduction next week of the changes to the waste service and the information available to residents who may be unsure of dates and other changes to the service.
The report also made reference to the Local Plan and calls for suitable sites for housing, the adult education budget, fourth round of the Community Infrastructure Levy Fund and current consultations.
Councillors raised concerns about the untidy state of Carkeel roundabout. Cornwall Councillor Frank confirmed that National Highways are responsible for the maintenance of the roundabout. Cornwall Councillor Worth has asked for Cornwall Highways to investigate who can undertake work to tidy the area. Councillor Frank will look into this and report back.
It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Peggs and RESOLVED to note the report and refer the Local Plan and Call for Sites together with the Town Council Neighbourhood Development Plan to the next Planning and Licensing Committee for review and consideration. |
To receive an update on the future of the health care in Saltash and consider any actions and associated expenditure. Minutes: Nothing to report this month, however, the Chairman reported that a meeting with Debbie Richards, CEO of Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, has been arranged for 17 April 2024.
It was RESOLVED to note. |
To consider Risk Management reports as may be received. Minutes: Nothing to report. |
Additional documents: Minutes: a. To advise the receipts for February 2024;
It was RESOLVED to note.
b. To advise the payments for February 2024;
It was RESOLVED to note.
c. Urgent and essential works actioned by the Town Clerk under Financial Regulations.
d. To note that bank reconciliations up to 29 February 2024 were reviewed as correct by the Chairman of Policy & Finance Committee and the Town Clerk.
It was RESOLVED to note.
e. To note that an audit on recent supplier payments was conducted by the Chairman of Policy & Finance in line with the Council’s Financial Regulations. It was noted that there are no discrepancies to report.
It was RESOLVED to note. |
To receive amendments to the Finance Schedule and Precept Plan and consider any actions. Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to approve the amendments to the Finance Schedule and Precept Plan (as attached) and readopt at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council.
Councillor Yates left the meeting.
Councillor Yates returned to the meeting. |
It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and RESOLVED to award £350. |
To receive and consider supporting Salt Arts CIC s106 application. Additional documents:
Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Griffiths, seconded by Councillor Peggs and RESOLVED to support, in principle, the Salt Arts CIC application to the s106 panel for consideration of granting funds of £9,565 subject to the streams of finance and grants being obtained. |
Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone involved in the project who contributed to the successful day. The survey closes on 7th April 2024 and, along with feedback from those involved in the day, will feed into the feasibility report which will indicate the possible way forward.
It was RESOLVED to note the report. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman reported that a meeting had been held with the Head of Adult Education regarding the lack of provision of the service in Saltash. The service is currently limited to Maths and English in Saltash Wesley Church and not widely promoted.
It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and RESOLVED to note the report and delegate to the Town Clerk working with Town and Cornwall Councillors to review the next steps for Saltash.
(Pursuant to FTC held on 3.11.22 minute nr. 254/22/23) Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED to note the report and refer to the Services Committee to be held on 11th April 2024 for consideration of the audit results, training session and any future business. |
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note. |
Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and RESOLVED to approve the request for a Civic Parade at Saltash Regatta on 13th July 2024 meeting at Victoria Gardens from 10.00 am, departing at 10:30am.
To receive an update on the closure of Lloyds Bank and consider any actions. Minutes: The Chairman reported that the location of the new Banking Hub has been confirmed as 15 Lower Fore Street. Councillor Mortimore reported that she had been informed that Lloyds Bank will not close the Saltash Branch until the Banking Hub is opened.
It was RESOLVED to note. |
Meet your Councillors: The next scheduled meeting date Saturday 13th April 2024 outside Bloom Hearing, Fore Street. Minutes: a. The next scheduled meeting date Saturday 13 April 2024 outside Bloom Hearing, Fore Street.
It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and RESOLVED for Councillors Gilies, Griffiths, Peggs, Bickford, Stoyel and Dent to attend.
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960: To resolve that pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Minutes: To resolve that pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. |
To consider any items referred from the main part of the agenda. Minutes: None. |
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960: To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting. Minutes: To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting. |
To confirm any press and social media releases associated with any agreed actions and expenditure of the meeting. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Mortimore and RESOLVED to issue the following Press and Social Media releases:
1. Dementia Voice volunteers project – share CEPL12 social media post;
2. Grant award to Tamar Trotters;
3. Community Levelling Up project;
4. Saltash Banking Hub – share Cash Access UK press release;
5. Meet your Councillors Session;
6. Promote Adult Education Saltash services;
7. National Highways Tunnel works following an Extraordinary Full Council meeting.
Date of next meeting: The Annual Meeting of Saltash Town Council to be held on Thursday 2nd May 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes: Thursday 2nd May at 7.00 pm |
Common Seal: To Order that the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to all Deeds and Documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing Acts and Proceedings. Minutes: It was RESOLVED that the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to all Deeds and Documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing Acts and Proceedings. |