Venue: Guildhall
No. | Item | ||||
Health and Safety Announcements. Minutes: The Chairman informed those present of the actions required in the event of a fire or emergency. |
Declarations of Interest: a. To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.
b. The Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration. Minutes: a. To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.
b. The Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration.
None. |
Questions - A 15-minute period when members of the public may ask questions of Members of the Council. Please note: Any member of the public requiring to put a question to the Town Council must do so by 12 noon the day before the meeting. Minutes: The Town Clerk informed the Chairman that no public questions had been received.
The Town Clerk informed the Chairman that Councillor Yates is in attendance as a Member of the Joint Burial Board (JBB) Committee and advised that Members may wish to request input from Councillor Yates should any questions arise regarding Agenda Item 11 - To set the Burial Board Fees and Charges for the year 2023/24 recommending to the Policy and Finance Committee. |
Minutes: Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.
It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Bullock and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Burial Authority Committee held on 28th June 2022 were confirmed as a true and correct record. |
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note. |
Minutes: The Town Clerk briefed Members on the request received.
Members discussed the operational implications of implementing such a mechanism and available funding options such as the National Government Funeral Expenses Payment Scheme available for those who may require help with funeral costs.
It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to note and sign post enquiries to the available funding options.
Minutes: The Town Clerk provided an overview of the administration work for removing headstones and cremation tablets at Churchtown Cemetery.
It was proposed by Councillor Bullock, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND to Policy and Finance to approve a fee for the permission to remove a headstone or cremation tablet other than for an additional inscription at cost of £56 to be included in the Burial Authority Fees and Charges for the year 2023/24. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Members discussed the budget setting for the year 2023/24.
It was proposed by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Bullock and resolved to RECOMMEND the Burial Authority Budget for the year 2023/24 to the Extraordinary Policy and Finance Committee meeting to be held on the 22nd November 2022 as attached. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Town Clerk provided an overview of the Churchtown Cemetery fees and charges for the year 2023-24.
Members considered an alteration to the wording contained within the fees and charges to provide a streamlined service for the administration process and avoid confusion to the client.
It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND to Policy and Finance to approve the amendment to the fees and charges for the year 2023-24 as follows:
It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND the Burial Authority Fees and Charges, with no increases to be implemented, for the year 2023/24 to the Extraordinary Policy and Finance Committee meeting to be held on the 22nd November 2022 as attached. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Miller and resolved to RECOMMEND the Burial Board Fees and Charges for the year 2023/24, with no increases to be implemented, to the Extraordinary Policy and Finance Committee meeting to be held on the 22nd November 2022 as attached. |
To consider Health and Safety reports as may be received. Minutes: No Report. |
To consider Risk Management reports as may be received. Minutes: No report. |
Minutes: The Service Delivery Manager (SDM) provided an overview on the report received.
The SDM informed Members there is currently no signage identifying the Memorial Rose Garden.
Members discussed possible associated costs for the procurement of a suitable and in keeping sign to clearly identify the Memorial Rose Garden area at Churchtown Cemetery.
It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Foster and RESOLVED to note the report and provide delegated authority to the SDM to procure a suitable sign for the Memorial Rose Garden at a maximum cost of £1,500 to be allocated to budget code 6073 BA EMF Memorial Garden. |
Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Bullock and RESOLVED to appoint Duchy Cemetery’s Ltd to extend the ash plot garden at Churchtown Cemetery at a total cost of £560 to be allocated to budget code 6070 BA EMF Churchtown Cemetery Capital Works, subject to clarification if the total cost includes the replacement / re-planting of the existing hedge. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Miller and resolved to RECOMMEND to Policy and Finance to approve the following updates to the Town Council Application for Interment, Fees and Charges, and Management Policy and Regulations:
1. Amendment to the Application for Interment and Fees and Charges:
Non-resident fees are at the discretion of the Chairman of the Burial Authority Committee.
Non-resident fees are at the discretion of the Town Clerk and in the absence the Assistant Town Clerk.
2. Additional sections 4.4.3. and 4.4.4. Management Policy and Regulations:
4.4.3. Double standard fees apply to non-Saltash residents, except those who were resident until 2 years prior to their death. (Non-resident fees are at the discretion of the Town Clerk and in the absence the Assistant Town Clerk).
4.4.4. The Administration Department to obtain available evidence with regard to Saltash residency two years prior to the date of death. This being unavailable, to request the Funeral Director gives written confirmation of residency.
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960: To resolve that pursuant to Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. (As required or if necessary). Minutes: To resolve that pursuant to Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. (As required or if necessary). |
To consider any items referred from the main part of the agenda. Minutes: None. |
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960: To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting. Minutes: To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting. |
To consider urgent non-financial items at the discretion of the Chairman. Minutes: None. |
To confirm any press and social media releases associated with any agreed actions and expenditure of the meeting. Minutes: None. |