Agenda and minutes

Burial Authority Committee - Tuesday 23rd May 2023 6.30 pm

Venue: Guildhall

No. Item


To elect a Chairman.


It was proposed by Councillor Bullock, seconded by Councillor Lennox-Boyd to nominate Councillor Dent.


There were no other nominations.


Following a vote it was RESOLVED to elect Councillor Dent as Chairman.


Councillor Dent in the Chair.


To elect a Vice Chairman.


It was proposed by Councillor Dent seconded by Councillor Bullock to nominate Councillor Miller.


There were no other nominations.


Following a vote it was RESOLVED to elect Councillor Miller as Vice Chairman.


Health and Safety Announcements.


The Chairman informed those present of the actions required in the event of a fire or emergency.


Declarations of Interest:

a.  To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.


b.  The Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration.


a.  To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.




b.  The Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration.




Questions - A 15-minute period when members of the public may ask questions of Members of the Council.

Please note: Any member of the public requiring to put a question to the Town Council must do so by 12 noon the day before the meeting.




To receive and approve the minutes from the Burial Authority meeting held on 1st November 2022 as a true and correct record. pdf icon PDF 226 KB


Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.


It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Bullock and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Burial Authority Committee held on 1st November 2022 were confirmed as a true and correct record.


To receive the Burial Authority Committee budget statement and consider any actions and associated expenditure.


The Assistant Town Clerk informed Members that some budgets may look overspent due to accruals and prepayments not yet finalised at year-end.


It was RESOLVED to note.


To consider Health & Safety reports as may be received.


Nothing to report.


To consider Risk Management reports as may be received.


Nothing to report.


To note that Pengelly Funeral Service approved Churchtown Cemetery quote for works. pdf icon PDF 47 KB


It was RESOLVED to note.


To ratify the amendment to Churchtown Fees and Charges and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Additional documents:


It was proposed by Councillor Lennox-Boyd, seconded by Councillor Dent and resolved to RECOMMEND to the Policy and Finance Committee to ratify the Town Clerk’s amendment to Churchtown Fees and Charges.


To receive a report on Churchtown Cemetery Management Policy and Regulations and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 351 KB

Additional documents:


1.  It was proposed by Councillor Bullock, seconded by Councillor Lennox-Boyd and RESOLVED to defer the question of maintenance at Churchtown Cemetery to the next meeting of The Burial Authority Committee on 7th November 2023.  Maintenance to be discussed in conjunction with the review of Fees and Charges for Churchtown Cemetery.


2.  It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Bullock and resolved to RECOMMEND to Policy and Finance to approve the following additions to the Churchtown Cemetery Management Policy and Regulations in regard to grave markers as follows:


Additional sections 4.3.5., 4.3.6. and 4.3.7. Management Policy and Regulations:


4.3.5. Grave markers such as wooden crosses with plaques may be placed on a grave or cremation plot at the time of an interment at the discretion of the Town Council.  Such markers are temporary and are allowed in the interval between the interment and the installation of a memorial, which would normally take place within 12 months. 


4.3.6. If there are no family members remaining, the person arranging the interment may also organise for a marker to be placed on the grave or cremation plot.  Thereafter however, only the Town Council or the owner of the EROB may authorise work in connection with markers.  Only the owner of the EROB may authorize the installation of a permanent memorial.


4.3.7. Usually, the Town Council would not remove a marker after 12 months should there be no memorial stone.  However, the Town Council may remove it if they so wish.





To receive a report from the Service Delivery Department and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 73 KB


It was RESOLVED to note.


To receive a report on a letters to heaven concept and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 108 KB


Members considered the installation of a post box at Churchtown Cemetery to support loved ones coping with grief by writing letters to heaven.


It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Lennox-Boyd and RESOLVED to:


1.  Procure a post box mentioned in example three at a cost of up to £130 +VAT from budget code 6073 BA EMF Memorial Garden current available budget £4,200.  


2.  Promote the Service via social media, notice boards and the Town Council website.


3.  The Service Delivery Department to empty the post box as required.


4.  Letters to be shredded and included in the Town Council’s green waste process for disposal.


5.  Service Delivery Manager to include the Service in future Service Delivery reports to be received at future Burial Authority meetings.


6.  Signage to be installed on the post box stating ‘letters only in a sealed envelope to be placed in the letter box’.


7.  The letter box to be installed on the Churchtown Cemetery hut located in the Cemetery car park.





Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960:

To resolve that pursuant to Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. (As required or if necessary).


To resolve that pursuant to Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. (As required or if necessary).


To consider any items referred from the main part of the agenda.




Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960:

To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting.


To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting.


To consider urgent non-financial items at the discretion of the Chairman.




To confirm any press and social media releases associated with any agreed actions and expenditure of the meeting.


It was proposed by Councillor Bullock, seconded by Councillor Lennox-Boyd and RESOLVED to issue the following Press and Social Media release:


1.  A press release regarding Letters to Heaven to be released once installation has been completed and all promotional material available.