No. | Item |
Health and Safety Announcements. Minutes: The Chairman informed those present of the actions required in the event of a fire or emergency.
Apologies. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cornwall Councillor Worth.
Public Questions - A 15-minute period when members of the public may ask questions of the Saltash Town Team. Minutes: None received.
Minutes: Members confirmed the notes are a true and correct record of the meeting.
The Town Clerk informed members that the Town Team Terms of Reference were approved at the Saltash Town Council meeting held on 9 January 2025.
To receive the latest Town Team funding statement and consider any actions. Minutes: Members noted the latest Town Team funding statement.
The Chairman drew Members attention to the additional column on the funding statement showing s106 available funds and spend to date.
The Town Clerk informed Members that the Town Accelerator Funds (TAF) and Town Delivery Funds (TDF) are required to be spent by 31 March 2025 (funding perimeters), Cornwall Council will not provide an extension therefore these funds will be utilised to pay for the following services:
· Diverse Events · Mel Richardson Consultancy · The Urbanists · Part payment to the wayfinding/signage and planting works that will have been ordered/under construction by the end of March 2025. The outstanding balance will be covered by the s106 ringfenced funds.
Additional documents:
Minutes: DJ provided a verbal update on the project and report received within the reports pack.
A signed a letter of endorsement for a Town Visitor Guide and media pack has been included in the reports pack received at this evening’s meeting. The external contractor has been appointed and will now begin approaching all local businesses offering the opportunity to advertise in the Town Visitor Guide.
The car park and Heritage Trail notice boards will be undertaken as two separate projects. The car park notice boards and the leaflet will include a map of key attractions in the town with 24 points of interest such as, the Banking Hub, public conveniences and local attractions.
The car park notice boards are located at Belle Vue, Alexander Square, Culver Road and outside Ashtorre Rock.
Due to resource limitations the Heritage Trail notice boards are on hold. The notice boards will be utilised on a temporary basis to provide information about Saltash Town Team, Visit Saltash Leaflet, Town Visitor Guide, and many projects the Town Team are working alongside Saltash Town Council, such as, markets, greening and wayfinding.
The designer’s cost has been received for the design of the Visit Saltash Leaflet, DJ confirmed it is within the s106 Waitrose available budget. The working group are to further review and progress the project meeting the target date of 1 March 2025.
The Chairman thanked the working group and DJ for work undertaken thus far.
Members received and approved the change of content to the Visit Saltash Leaflet.
Councillor Griffiths asked the working group to ensure the project is transferrable to social media and the website.
DJ confirmed that the leaflet will be available on the website and continuity will be ensured across all platforms.
RB informed Members that it is hoped to utilise established channels such as Visit Tamar Valley and Visit Plymouth with the delivery of leaflets into leaflet racks in key travel and hospitality location such as rail stations, hotels and tourist information centres to reach people outside of Saltash.
Additional documents:
Minutes: MR informed the group that approx. 150 businesses were visited today which covered Fore Street, Lower Fore Street and branch roads such as Keast mews.
All businesses were given a Fore Street Public Relam project leaflet and spoken to about the project and how they could get involved.
There was overwhelmingly positive feedback from the businesses about the project, businesses are keen to see improvements and new events in the town centre to help improve the footfall and support the towns future.
Some businesses mentioned they are keen to do market day offers and there was no resistance or negative feedback given.
14 businesses expressed interest in shaping the project in conjunction with Town Team with many businesses offering to advertise the markets in shop windows.
MR is to produce a report on the positive and or negative feedback from the businesses during the trial period. The data will be used to help shape future projects and as evidence to the final report to meet the funding criteria.
Members discussed how to engage fresh food businesses to get involved with the market.
The Chairman reported that Diverse Events confirmed, fresh food items are hard to source for an untested market due to the high risk to their business, if their fresh items do not sell, they end up wasted. However, the Chairman agreed he would reiterate the importance of Saltash based fresh food producers being given the opportunity to have a stall.
Members all agreed that the emphasis for the market has to be on Saltash based businesses.
Councillor Griffiths commented, the market needs to be advertised and include information on what stalls will be present to assist in driving intrigue and footfall to the event. Members agreed this needs to form part of the Marketing Strategy.
Councillor Frank spoke of the national scheme called Totally Locally who have recently announced the new national campaign for independent high streets and businesses. The campaign is built to show how spending £10 (Magic Tenner) in a local independent can mean up to £50 going back into the local economy. The campaign runs from 1 to 16 March 2025 and asks businesses to put bundles together for £10 encouraging shoppers to the town centre.
The scheme is free to join and will be advertised via the Saltash Chamber of Commerce Facebook page.
The Chairman and Councillor Hilary Frank to consider launching ‘magic tenner’ (under Chamber) in Saltash providing an update at the next Town Team meeting.
Councillor Peggs offered to assist in spreading the word with businesses.
The Town Clerk updated members on the tender process for the greening and wayfinding part of the project.
The tender specification has been uploaded to contracts finder and is live on the Town Council website, social media channels and further information throughout Town Council noticeboards (part of the procurement process).
Due to the requirement to comply with Saltash Town Council Standing Orders to open tenders received, the Town Clerk asked for three Members attendance to the ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
A.O.B Minutes: The Chairman referred to the email circulated from Will Glassup Highway Manager for Cormac relating to Saltash Fore Street safety improvements. Members were pleased with the response received and positive steps forward.
The Town Clerk informed Members that the pavement around a couple of trees which have lifted due to tree roots can be tarmacked with a colour to provide a better look and feel to the town.
Will is to provide options to the Town Clerk who will report to the Chairman.
Any lifted slabs around trees will be stored at the Saltash Town Council depot for future use in the town.
Date of Next Meeting: 10 February 2025 at 5:30 p.m. Minutes: 10 February 2025 at 5.30pm
Meeting ended at 6.30pm