Agenda item

To receive reports from the Service Delivery Department and consider any actions and associated expenditure:


a.  Departmental Report;


The Service Delivery Manager (SDM) briefed Members on the departmental report received and contained within the circulated reports pack.


Members discussed at length various items contained within the report.


Grassmere Way Play Area


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor B Samuels and RESOLVED:


1.  To delegate to the Service Delivery Manager to obtain three quotes to replace the play park gate at Grassmere Way at a maximum cost of £3,000 to supply and fit;


2.  To adhere to RoSPA safety requirements;


3.  To allocate the associated cost to budget code 6571 EMF Saltash Recreation Areas.



Public toilets at Calstock – To understand how their toilets are monitored


It was proposed by Councillor Brady, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and RESOLVED:


1.  To delegate to the Service Delivery Manager to purchase dummy CCTV cameras and signs for all Town Council public toilets at a maximum cost of £500 to supply and fit;


2.  To be installed in appropriate locations seeking permission from Key Stakeholders, if required;


3.  To allocate the associated costs to budget code 6580 EMF Public Toilets (Capital Works).














Fire, Intruder Alarm and CCTV system service agreement comparison for STC buildings


It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor B Samuels and RESOLVED:


1.  To delegate to the Service Delivery Manager to ensure existing contracts are cancelled in accordance with the Town Council contract avoiding penalties;


2.  To appoint Company C at a cost of £2,971.20 to provide a Service Level Agreement for all Town Council Fire Alarms, Intruder Alarms and CCTV to be maintained, monitored and serviced over a 12-month period;


3.  To allocate the associated costs to the various budgets codes as follows:


      7104 Fire & Security Alarm – Longstone

6904 Fire & Security Alarm - Library

7004 Fire & Security Alarm – Maurice Huggins

6404 Fire & Security Alarm - Guildhall

6804 Fire & Security Alarm - Isambard House

6013 Security Alarm Maintenance – Churchtown Building


4.  To RECOMMEND to the next Policy and Finance Committee meeting the associated cost relating to the service provided for CCTV to budget code 6229 CCTV Annual Maintenance.


It was RESOLVED to note the remainder of the Departmental Report.



b.  Grounds Maintenance Works; 


It was RESOLVED to note.



c.   Work Request Log;


The Town Clerk reminded Members to not email staff directly regarding work related matters.  If Members identify works required to be undertaken by the Service Delivery Team, please complete the online reporting request form available on the Town Council website here:


This allows the Service Delivery Manager to effectively manage the department, ensuring the work of the Town Council is completed within a reasonable timeframe.


It was RESOLVED to note.



d.  Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour Report; 


It was RESOLVED to note.



e.  Statutory and Mandatory Building Asset Checks.


It was RESOLVED to note.

Supporting documents: