Agenda item

Reports from organisations:


The Deputy Chairman thanked all the organisations for their submission of reports for Members to receive.


Members agreed and wished to congratulate and thank all the organisations for their continued hard work within the community of Saltash.


The Chairman referred to Members for questions.


The Chairman requested the following reports be taken en bloc.


a.  Age UK; 


b.  Community Enterprises PL12; 


c.   Livewire;


d.  The Mabbot Trust;


e.  Saltash Area Road Safety Committee; 


f.    Saltash Chamber of Commerce;


g.  Saltash Environmental Action;


h.  Saltash Gateway Community Network Area; 


i.    Saltash Heritage;


j.    Saltash Neighbourhood Plan;


k.   Saltash Regatta Committee; 


l.    Saltash May Fair Committee; 


m. Tamar Valley AONB; 


n.  Visit Tamar Valley; 


o.  The Core Youth Project; 


p.  Saltash Youth Network; 


q.  Safer Saltash; 


r.   Town Team; 


s.   Surfers Against Sewage; 


t.    Saltash Bowls Club; 


u.  Pysanka Craft Club; 


v.   Saltash Foodbank; 


w. Saltash Rotary Club; 


x.   Saltash and District Branch of the Royal British Legion; 


y.   Saltash Healthcare Action Group. 


It was RESOLVED to note.


Councillor Foster arrived and joined the meeting.

Supporting documents: