Agenda item

To receive the following Draft Job Descriptions and Person Specifications and consider any actions and associated expenditure:


a.  Development Manager; 


It was proposed by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Miller and unanimously resolved to RECOMMEND to Full Council held 7th March to:


1.      Approve the new role, Development and Engagement Manager into the     existing Town Council organisation structure;


2.     Approve the job description and person specification (as attached)    subject to the HR Advisers review and sign off;


3.      To advertise from 1st April 2024;


4.     To note the new role will assist with the implementation of the Business Plan and other Town Council business.



b.  Communications and Engagement Officer. 


It was proposed by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Miller and unanimously resolved to RECOMMEND to Full Council held 7th March to:


1.     Approve the new role, Communications and Engagement Officer into the existing Town Council organisation structure;


2.     Approve the job description and person specification (as attached) subject to the HR Advisers review and sign off;


3.      To advertise from 1st April 2024.



Councillor Bickford left the meeting.

Supporting documents: