Agenda item

To receive the Town Council Business Plan Deliverables and consider any actions and associated expenditure.


The Chairman led Members through the Town Council Business Plan Deliverables for quarter 1, contained and circulated within the reports pack.


Members of the Sub Committee contributed towards the discussions.


It was proposed by Councillor Griffiths, seconded by Councillor Gillies and RESOLVED to:


1.    Approve the format and design of the deliverables (as attached) and upload to the Town Council website for transparency;


2.    Recommend to Planning and Licensing to:


a)    Remove under ‘Health and Wellbeing’ the ‘Aim’ – To support and work with the Saltash Health Care Action Group when reviewing planning applications that are applicable – due to duplication of another ‘Aim’ – To ensure appropriate support or recommendations are given to applications or projects that support health care development or change of use to a health care setting in Saltash;


b)    Refer under ‘Health and Wellbeing’ the ‘Aim’ – To ensure the availability of all housing types are considered inclusive of rental and affordable housing to improve access to housing for all in Saltash – to ‘Housing’ because the ‘Aim’ fits better under that Strategic Priority;


c)    Remove under ‘Housing’ the ‘Aim’ – To ensure future housing projects and developments offer a variety of housing options inclusive of accessible properties – due to duplication of another ‘Aim’ – To support projects that deliver affordable and sustainable housing whilst meeting a variety of user needs in keeping with policy;


d)    Remove under ‘Housing’ the ‘Aim’ – Special consideration be given to the Churchtown Farm development and resolution for occupation by Saltash residents – due to the ‘Aim’ not being achievable under the Town Council powers.


3.    Recommend to Services to:


a)     Remove under ‘Boosting Jobs and Economic Prosperity’ the ‘Aim’ – To invest in Town Council employees – due to the ‘Aim’ not fitting within the Committees Terms of Reference, the ‘Aim’ is covered by the Personnel Committee;


b)    Remove under ‘Health and Wellbeing’ the ‘Aim’ – Maintain, promote and reinvest in Town Council play parks and recreational areas – due to duplication of the same ‘Aim’ under the ‘Recreation and Leisure’ Strategic Priority;




c)    Refer under ‘Climate and Emergency’ the ‘Aim’ – Continue to partake in No Mow May initiative to strategic areas – due to it fitting better under the ‘Actions’ of – Support community initiatives for tree planting and wildflower meadows;


d)    Amend under ‘Climate and Emergency’ the ‘Aim’ – Continue to implement sustainable, non-toxic grounds maintenance methods – to cover all environmental matters to - Continue to implement sustainable grounds maintenance methods and good environmental practices;


e)    Remove under ‘Climate and Emergency’ the ‘Aim’ – Seek further environmentally friendly alternatives for groups maintenance works within the Town Council service Delivery Department – due to duplication of the ‘Aim’ – Continue to implement sustainable grounds maintenance methods and good environmental practices;


f)     Refer under ‘Climate and Emergency’ the ‘Aim’ – Continue to be hedgehog friendly – due to it fitting better under the ‘Actions’ of - Continue to implement sustainable grounds maintenance methods and good environmental practices;


g)    Refer under ‘Recreation and Leisure’ the ‘Aim’ – Promote mental health and wellbeing via the Town Council website to ‘Health and Wellbeing’ because the ‘Aim’ fits better under that Strategic Priority.


4.    Recommend to Station Property to:


a)    Amend under ‘Climate Emergency’ the ‘Aim’ – To continue to support the Climate Change and Environmental Working Group with free use of Isambard House – due to the Working Group no longer existing – To continue to support external groups with free use of Isambard House (in line with the Hire Policy) where their purpose is climate change and environmental matters.


5.    Recommend to the Personnel, Planning and Licensing, and Services Committees to review and develop their Strategic Priorities against their ‘Actions’ at every Committee meeting.


6.    Recommend to the Library and Station Property Sub Committees to review and develop their Strategic Priorities against their ‘Actions’ at every Sub Committee meeting.


7.    Refer to the Policy and Finance Committee to review Minute number 135/23/24 and consider the six Town Council Strategic Priorities under the Committees Terms of Reference;


8.    Request the Devolution Sub Committee and Property Maintenance Sub Committee to consider the six Town Council Strategic Priorities under the Sub Committees Terms of Reference.

Members passed their thanks to the Administration Officer for her hard work in assisting the Town Clerk with the Business Plan deliverables.


Supporting documents: