Agenda item

To receive recommendations from the Town Vision Sub Committee and consider any actions and associated expenditure.


Members received the recommendation from the Town Vision Sub Committee to review and develop their Strategic Priorities against their ‘Actions’ and to consider a number of recommendations.


The Town Clerk provided an overview of the overarching Strategic Priorities set by the Town Council as the corporate body.


The Town Clerk drew Members attention to the deliverables and actions presented for review at this evening’s meeting.


Members reviewed the recommendation for amendments to the Services Committee’s deliverables and actions.


It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Martin and RESOLVED to approve the amendments to the Services Committee Business Plan Deliverables as follows and attached;


a.   Remove under ‘Boosting Jobs and Economic Prosperity’ the ‘Aim’ – To invest in Town Council employees – due to the ‘Aim’ not fitting within the Committee’s Terms of Reference, the ‘Aim’ is covered by the Personnel Committee;


b.   Remove under ‘Health and Wellbeing’ the ‘Aim’ – Maintain, promote and reinvest in Town Council play parks and recreational areas – due to duplication of the same ‘Aim’ under the ‘Recreation and Leisure’ Strategic Priority;


c.   Refer under ‘Climate and Emergency’ the ‘Aim’ – Continue to partake in No Mow May initiative to strategic areas – due to it fitting better under the ‘Actions’ of – Support community initiatives for tree planting and wildflower meadows;


d.   Amend under ‘Climate and Emergency’ the ‘Aim’ – Continue to implement sustainable, non-toxic grounds maintenance methods – to cover all environmental matters to - Continue to implement sustainable grounds maintenance methods and good environmental practices;


e.   Remove under ‘Climate and Emergency’ the ‘Aim’ – Seek further environmentally friendly alternatives for groups maintenance works within the Town Council Service Delivery Department – due to duplication of the ‘Aim’ – Continue to implement sustainable grounds maintenance methods and good environmental practices;


f.    Refer under ‘Climate and Emergency’ the ‘Aim’ – Continue to be hedgehog friendly – due to it fitting better under the ‘Actions’ of - Continue to implement sustainable grounds maintenance methods and good environmental practices;


g.   Refer under ‘Recreation and Leisure’ the ‘Aim’ – Promote mental health and wellbeing via the Town Council website to ‘Health and Wellbeing’ because the ‘Aim’ fits better under that Strategic Priority.


The Town Clerk requested Members further input into the deliverables.


Members discussed the deliverables, actions and scores and how the Services Committee can achieve their aspirations over the next three years.


It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to approve the Services Committee Business Plan Deliverables as attached with the following amendments:


1.  Strategic Priority 5 - Climate Emergency the ‘Action’ under the ‘Aim’ To continue to implement sustainable grounds maintenance methods and good environmental practices – Continue to partake in the No Mow May initiative to strategic areas be amended to – Continue to partake in the Low Mow May initiative to strategic areas;


2.  Strategic Priority 5 – Climate Emergency - Members felt the score of 3 for quarter 1 was high and agreed to decrease to 2 for the ‘Aim’ - To continue to implement sustainable grounds maintenance methods and good environmental practices;


3.  Strategic Priority 6 – Recreation and Leisure - Members felt the score of 3 for quarter 1 was high and agreed to decrease to 2 for the ‘Aim’ - Continue to provide pontoon facilities allowing access to the river and support better connectivity to neighbouring areas.






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