Agenda item

To receive a report on the Guildhall external repairs and redecoration work and consider any actions and associated expenditure.


Members reviewed the report included in the circulated reports pack and discussed whether an annual surface washdown and algaecide application were necessary now, given that many paint products contain a certain amount of algaecide and the Guildhall's exterior was recently redecorated.


Members discussed other Town Council properties and the need for review to ensure all properties are preserved and maintained.


It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED:


1.  To proceed with the internal works (hallway and internal windows) by the appointment of Jones Building Group at a cost of £3,486.40+vat allocated to budget code 6740 GH Maintenance;


2.  To appoint Barron Surveying to project manage the internal redecoration works at a cost of 12% of the project value allocated to budget code 6418 Professional Fees;


3.  To proceed with an annual external washdown of surfaces and application of algaecide to the Guildhall by the appointment of Jones Building Group at a cost of £495+vat allocated to budget code 6460 GH Maintenance, subject to the products meeting the Town Council environmental policy and business plan and Barron Surveying confirming it is beneficial within the first year of redecoration works;


4.  To consider budgeting for annual external washdown for all Town Council properties at the Property Maintenance Sub Committee five-year plan setting meeting to be held on 28 October 2024.


Councillors Bullock and Dent declared an interest in the following agenda item and left the meeting.

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