Agenda item


a.  Applications for consideration:



c/o agent Barratt David Wilson (Exeter) Ltd - Land At Broadmoor Farm Stoketon Cornwall

Reserved matters application for Phase 1, which comprises: the construction of 387 dwellings, public open space, landscape planting, pedestrian, cycle and vehicular links, 1 substation and one governor and associated infrastructure. (Details following outline application PA14/02447 dated 13.10.2017) Resubmission of application no. PA19/08297 dated 09/04/20.

Ward: North

Date received: 26/02/21

Response date: 09/04/21


b.  Tree applications/notifications:



Mr Redfern – 14 Ashton Way Saltash PL12 6JE

Proposed crown lift and reduction T1. And proposal to fell T2.

Ward: North

Date received: 16/02/21

Response date: To be advised


a.  Applications for consideration:



c/o agent Barratt David Wilson (Exeter) Ltd - Land At Broadmoor Farm Stoketon Cornwall

Reserved matters application for Phase 1, which comprises: the construction of 387 dwellings, public open space, landscape planting, pedestrian, cycle and vehicular links, 1 substation and one governor and associated infrastructure. (Details following outline application PA14/02447 dated 13.10.2017) Resubmission of application no. PA19/08297 dated 09/04/20.

Ward: North


Public Questions:


1.  Considering the various amounts, percentages and stages of payments proposed, do the various members of the town council consider the funding proposed as part of this development meets the town's needs adequately and at a sufficiently early stage in the development that the additional houses proposed will not unduly overload existing resources?


Councillor Dent advised this question would not be able to be taken at this evening’s meeting due to it being outside the remit of the current application to be received and will be answered separately in due course.


2.  Considering the traffic impact of the retail development on Gilston Road, do the various members of the Town Council consider that the spine road proposals onto the A388 are sufficient not to cause congestion problems on the A388 and the Main A38 Carkeel Roundabout? As is currently the case to the South of Carkeel Roundabout. This in particular given that the 2nd road junction onto the A38 is not due to be completed until much later in the development.


Councillor Dent advised this question would not be able to be taken at this evening’s meeting due to it being outside the remit of the current application to be received and will be answered separately in due course.


3.  Do the various members of the Town Council consider that the size and locations of the proposed green spaces on the development, are acceptable as proposed? This in particular considering that the large green space (incorporating the play area) is situated on land with historical drainage issues and the other smaller green area being on the periphery of the northern area of stage 1, immediately adjacent to a very busy road (the A388) where traffic rarely observes the existing 30mph speed restriction. The largest part of the stage 1 phase to the south containing no green areas at all.


Councillor Dent stated that the question relating to the green space available can be addressed under this current application as a reserved matter within Phase 1.


4.  As a resident of Carkeel Barns and as such surrounding neighbours will be the people who are effected most if the development goes ahead. Meetings with developers have promised all sorts of things from a 10 meter buffer zone around the perimeter of Carkeel Barns to an Access road with traffic lights while the development is underway. Over the years the residents have met with a few developers but want to be sure that access during the build will be available and that residents are not inconvenienced. Up to now when there has been a digger delivered the drive way is blocked and this is our only entrance and exit.


Councillor Dent stated that the perimeter road to Carkeel Barns can be further considered under this current application.


Members discussed the application PA21/01757.


It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Rance and RESOLVED to refuse the application for construction of 387 dwellings due to:


1.    The construction is over-dense especially in the central triangular area leading to an appearance of overdevelopment. There are only a few very small green spaces which are not sufficient for children’s play areas.  We would suggest the number of houses be cut back to a third of the overall number, 333 allowing a further spacing of houses.


2.    The application, being urban in design, is not in keeping with the semi-rural area which is a Cornish site at the gateway to Cornwall. More Cornish stone and much lower pitch to the roofs would be more in keeping.

3.    The current transport plan and parking lot should be in place before construction to ensure the existing houses are not inconvenienced throughout the development, especially the access road to Carkeel Barns.


4.    Biodiversity in all areas of the construction development must be further considered. More trees needed across the site. The oak tree at the entrance to Carkeel Barns is to remain in situ.


5.    The spring that runs through the play park to be further considered and dealt with correctly to avoid it being as marshy as it is at present


6.    There is a lack of sustainably constructed housing and an ability of charge for electric cars.