Agenda item



a.  To receive a letter of appreciation from a resident of Saltash - 2021 Elections. 


It was RESOLVED to note.


b.  To consider a request from a resident of Saltash to install CCTV in Fore Street. 


The Assistant Town Clerk confirmed that Safer Saltash are to provide a report for Members to receive at Full Council scheduled to be held on Thursday 1st July 2021.


Councillors G Challen and Yates confirmed their attendance to a meeting scheduled for the following week commencing the 7th June 2021 to further explore the options of CCTV in the town centre and various funding available.


It was RESOLVED to note the request and respond to the resident’s letter to advise that the procurement and technicalities of CCTV are currently being explored.


c.   To consider a request from a resident of Saltash to register the land known as Trematon Pound as a Heritage site with Heritage England.


It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Bickford and RESOLVED to defer the agenda item to Policy and Finance for further consideration.


Councillors G Challen and Fox declared an interest in the next agenda item and left the meeting.


d.  To receive notice of cancellation of the Civic Event to commemorate the 1941 Blitz - Saltash 1941 Blitz Committee.


It was RESOLVED to note and that the Council look forward to the event going ahead subject to the lockdown restrictions.


Councillors G Challen and Fox were invited and returned to the meeting.


e.  To consider a letter from a resident referring to Saltash Boat Park and Slip and Saltash Station Building.


It was proposed by Councillor Yates, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to note and respond thanking the resident for their suggestions and comments, however, many of the suggestions are already being addressed and considered in other areas of the Council and community which, upon lockdown restrictions being lifted, further developments will continue to be made.





f.    20's Plenty for Cornwall - Global Road Safety Week.


It was proposed by Councillor G Challen, seconded by Councillor Pinckney and RESOLVED to defer the agenda item to Full Council scheduled to be held on 1st July 2021 following further information being received from the meeting of the Cornwall Council’s Community Network Panel.


g.  The Big Lunch 2021 - UK's annual celebration to give thanks and get to know our neighbours and communities.


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to promote the event on the Council’s website and social media outlets.


h.  Cornwall Council - Renewal of 2-VRM Parking Permits for Alexandra Square car park.


It was proposed by Councillor Yates, seconded by Councillor Taylor and RESOLVED to approve the renewal of the 2-VRM Parking Permits up to 31st May 2022.

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