Agenda item

To note and receive the minutes of the following Committees and consider any recommendations:


a.  Policy and Finance held on 9th March 2021


Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the minutes. There were the following recommendations:




172/20/21 POLICIES:


a.  Annual Statement of Internal Control

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


b.  Annual Business Continuity Plan

It was RESOLVED to defer this item to the next Full Council meeting.


c.   Annual Internal Audit Business Risk Assessment

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


d.  Annual Treasury Management Strategy

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL subject to the document being reformatted.


e.  Annual Reserves Policy

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


f.    Anti Bribery Policy Statement & Anti Fraud & Anti-Corruption Strategy

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


g.  Finance Schedule and Precept Plan

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


h.  Scheme of Delegation

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


i.    Financial Regulations

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.




j.    Risk Management Plan Statement

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


k.   Risk Management Strategy

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


l.    Receiving Public Questions at Meetings

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.



It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Yates and RESOLVED to approve all recommendations under minute 172/20/21 collectively.







a.  Co-option Policy

It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor P Samuels and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL subject to the removal of the requirement for a Proposer and Seconder on page 5 of the policy.


b.  Equality and Diversity Policy

It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Peggs and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


c. Communication Policy

It was RESOLVED to defer this item to the next Full Council Meeting.


d. Provision of IT and Acceptable Use Policy

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Bickford and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.



It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Peggs and RESOLVED to approve all recommendations under minute 173/20/21 collectively.



b. Planning and Licensing held on 16th March 2021


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the minutes. There were no recommendations.



c.   Personnel held on 13th April 2021


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the minutes. There were the following recommendations.






The Finance Officer updated Members on the Pension Policy updates and the monthly re-attribution calculations.


It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Fox and resolved to RECOMMEND to Full Council to adopt the updates to the Local Government Pension Scheme Policy.



It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Peggs and RESOLVED to adopt the updates to the Local Government Pension Scheme Policy.





14/21/22 STAFFING:


It was proposed by Councillor Rance, seconded by Councillor Dent and resolved to RECOMMEND to Full Council to:


1.  Approve all incremental point progressions for eligible staff.



It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Fox and RESOLVED to approve all incremental point progression for eligible staff.





2.  Reflect the duties and responsibilities of the post of Assistant Service Delivery Manager at scale 13 - 17 and to receive an uplift from point 13 to 15 back dated to 1st April 2021 in recognition of work undertaken to date.



It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Pinckney and RESOLVED to approve the uplift from point 12 to 15 back dated to 1st April 2021 for the post of Assistant Service Delivery Manager.







3.  Increase the Assistant Town Clerk scale from 29 - 32 to 37 - 41 starting on point 39 and to be back dated to 1st April 2021 until such time the Town Clerk resumes his normal duties and responsibilities and as the Town Council circumstances change.


It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Fox and RESOLVED to approve the Assistant Town Clerk increase in scale to 37 -41 starting on point 39 to be back dated to 1st April 2021 until such time the Town Clerk resumes his normal duties and responsibilities and as the Town Council circumstances change.


d.  Planning and Licensing held on 20th April 2021


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the minutes. There were no recommendations.


e.  Extraordinary Personnel held on 29th April 2021


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the minutes. There were no recommendations.



Supporting documents: