Agenda item



a.  20's Plenty for Cornwall - Global Road Safety Week 

(Pursuant to FTC held on 3.06.21 minute nr. 72/21/22f)


It was proposed by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to defer the item to the Town Centre Vision Sub Committee to review and further explore areas that are a priority and to ascertain public opinion of any areas that would benefit from the initiative reporting back to Full Council.


b.  Transforming Cities Fund Workplace Travel Grant Opportunity - Plymouth City Council 


It was RESOLVED to note.


c.   Grant Programme Project - Cornwall Council


It was RESOLVED to note.


Councillor Martin declared an interest in the next agenda item and left the meeting.


d.  To consider declaring an A38 Road Safety Emergency - Safe 38


It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to declare an A38 road safety emergency, with a letter of support of the campaign to be sent to Sheryl Murray local MP.


Councillor Martin was invited and returned to the meeting.


e.  Sustainable Development Fund - Tamar Valley 


It was RESOLVED to note.


f.    Family Support - SMART Schools Trust 


It was proposed by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor B Samuels and RESOLVED that Councillor Martin attends the meeting on behalf of STC.


g.  Next Phase - St Barnabas Hospital. 


Cornwall Councillor Frank gave a brief verbal update on the series of workshops held prior to the pandemic.


It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Yates and RESOLVED to note and that Cornwall Councillor Frank is to send a letter to the league of friends to inform them of STC support and previous individuals commitment to continued involvement and support.



h.  To receive a letter of thanks - Private Secretary to The Queen 


It was RESOLVED to note.


Councillors G Challen, Martin and Pinckney declared an interest in the next agenda item and left the meeting.


i.    Civic Parade - Saltash Regatta


It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED to approve a Civic Parade to be held on 4th September 2021 for this year’s Saltash Regatta.




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