Agenda item

To consider COVID-19 updates.


Members received STC Services and Operational Recovery Plan – Phase 6 as at 19th July 2021.  Members considered the following options:


·         Council to consider Officers returning to their workplace as soon as practicable, stagger start time if necessary, protective desk screens to remain in situ, promote good hygiene – washing hands and sanitise regularly, temperature check on arrival and respect each other’s space to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.


·         Council to consider encouraging Councillors, all Officers, contractors/visitors and members of the public to continue wearing a face covering (unless medically exempt) inside Council premises to reduce the spread of the virus.


·         Council to consider to encourage Service Delivery staff to continue wearing a face covering when working in close proximity whether it be inside or outside to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.


·         Council to consider encouraging Councillors, Officers and members of the public to continue to scan the QR Code on arrival at Council premises.


·         Council to consider to continue to encourage hands, face, space.


·         Council to consider the Service Delivery Department to continue with staff stagger start times and bubbles of two to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. 


·         Council to consider opening the Guildhall to members of the public as at  Monday 2nd August 2021.  No Guildhall bookings due to shortage of space.


·         Council to consider holding physical Council meetings not socially distanced or to remain status quo – 2 meters social distancing, good ventilation, hand sanitising on arrival and temperature checks to reduce the spread of the virus.


·         Council to consider encouraging staff to take part in the home testing kit twice a week reporting results to their line manager.  The testing system is on a voluntary basis and cannot be enforced.


·         Council to consider the Acting Town Clerk to report back to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the relevant Committee / Sub Committee, Mayor and Deputy Mayor for agreement for any change of service across the council reporting back at a future Town Council meeting.


It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Bickford and RESOLVED to note the report and approve and adopt the above options.

·         Any other areas not covered in the report to be considered.


It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor P Samuels and RESOLVED that the Guildhall Long Room setup be modified to attempt to assist with the acoustic issues.


It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Bickford and RESOLVED to continue to hold physical socially distanced Council Committee / Sub Committee meetings including good ventilation, hand sanitising on arrival and temperature checks to reduce the spread of the virus.


It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Bickford and RESOLVED that Councillor Yates works with the Service Delivery Manager to source options and costs with regard to a sound system which can be used in both the Council Chamber and Guildhall Long Room now and in the future reporting back to Full Council at the earliest opportunity.


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Bullock and RESOLVED that the Service Delivery Department reduce the Covid-19 street furniture cleaning to once a day and the cleaning of public toilets to remain twice a day.