Agenda item


a.  To note that Councillor Lennox-Boyd will vote upon the information before her at the meeting but in the light of subsequent information received at Cornwall Council, Councillor Lennox-Boyd may vote differently at that meeting.


b.  To note that if Councillor Lennox-Boyd wishes to recommend opposite to the Town Council’s view she will contact the Town Council by email. Considering time constraints, the Town Council will then hold an online poll of Councillors to determine whether to accept the Officer’s view or to ask for the application to be called into committee. The results of these polls will be read into the record at the next Town Council meeting. Members of the public may request, via the Clerk, to be copied into any correspondence.


c.   Applications for consideration:





Mr Simon Clayton Stonegate Group – 1-3 The Railway Hotel Fore Street Saltash PL12 6AF

Forming of a new timber pergola within the Beer Garden Area of the Railway Public House with festoon lighting, polycarb roof, external TV and timber slat wall.  Retarmacing the existing tarmac area.  Dry lining for two staff car parking bays.  Rebuilding small part of broken existing low wall render.  Installing pull up bollards for delivery access.  Extension of timber fencing around bin store to ensure bins are not visible to the public.

Ward: Essa

Date received: 01/06/22

Response date: 24/06/22




Stonegate Pub Company James Fox Stonegate Pub Company – 1-3 The Railway Hotel Fore Street Saltash PL12 6AF

Application for consent to display an advertisement, namely the siting of 9 signs and 1 light.

Ward: Essa

Date received: 23/05/22

Response date: 24/06/22








Mr M Mackie – 361 New Road Saltash PL12 6HL

Single storey rear extension, attic conversion and garage.


Date received: 19/05/22

Response date: 24/06/22



Mr Tuan Nguyen – 4 Regal House Fore Street Saltash PL12 6JR

Change of use from Class E to a Nail Parlour (Sui Generis).

Ward: Tamar

Date received: 31/05/22

Response date: 24/06/22



Mr Guy Luscombe – Meadowsweet Farm Longlands Lane Burraton Coombe PL12 4QF

Construction of detached dwelling with associated works with variation of condition 2 of decision PA19/06902 dated 12.12.2019

Ward: Trematon

Date received: 30/05/22

Response date: 24/06/22



Mr S Congdon – Land South of Roodscroft Hatt PL12 6PJ

Proposed covered yard adjoining approved BB unit under PA21/02720.

Ward: Trematon

Date Received: 09/06/22

Response date: 30/06/22



d.  Tree Notifications:



Mrs Ann Habens – Mill Quay Cottage Antony Passage St Stephens Cornwall PL12 4QT

Works to trees in a conservation area (CA), works include:

G1) Horn beam and Acer, (planted by residents 2 yrs ago), reduce vertical height by up to 1m and trim/reduce side faces by up to 300 mm to form hedge.

G2) Ash, Fell, trees along water edge, Fell worst with ADB, at moment 3 trees are dead or have hazard beams/cracks in main stem.

T1) Hawthorn, fell, part fallen tree from storm, requires removal before it fails.

T2) Sweetchestnut, Fell, in decline by gate, and near road should it fail, high impact area.

T3) Cypress, Fell, twin stemmed Cypress near Road and gate area, included union at base, if it were to fail impact area is the road, phone lines and possible power line.

Ward: Trematon

Date received: 13/06/22

Response date: 22/06/22




a.  To note that Councillor Lennox-Boyd will vote upon the information before her at the meeting but in the light of subsequent information received at Cornwall Council, Councillor Lennox-Boyd may vote differently at that meeting.


b.  To note that if Councillor Lennox-Boyd wishes to recommend opposite to the Town Council’s view she will contact the Town Council by email. Considering time constraints, the Town Council will then hold an online poll of Councillors to determine whether to accept the Officer’s view or to ask for the application to be called into committee. The results of these polls will be read into the record at the next Town Council meeting. Members of the public may request, via the Clerk, to be copied into any correspondence.


Councillor Yates informed the meeting that applications regarding Ince Castle, PA22/03450 and PA22/03451 as previously voted upon at The Planning and Licensing Committee on 17th May 2022, had now been withdrawn. 


The Chairman asked the Planning & General Administrator to contact the Planning Officer at Cornwall Council to request the reason for the withdrawal of the applications.


c.   Applications for consideration:



Mr Simon Clayton Stonegate Group – 1-3 The Railway Hotel Fore Street Saltash PL12 6AF

Forming of a new timber pergola within the Beer Garden Area of the Railway Public House with festoon lighting, polycarb roof, external TV and timber slat wall.  Retarmacing the existing tarmac area.  Dry lining for two staff car parking bays.  Rebuilding small part of broken existing low wall render.  Installing pull up bollards for delivery access.  Extension of timber fencing around bin store to ensure bins are not visible to the public.

Ward: Essa

Date received: 01/06/22

Response date: 24/06/22

It was proposed by Councillor Bullock, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.











Stonegate Pub Company James Fox Stonegate Pub Company – 1-3 The Railway Hotel Fore Street Saltash PL12 6AF

Application for consent to display an advertisement, namely the siting of 9 signs and 1 light.

Ward: Essa

Date received: 23/05/22

Response date: 24/06/22

It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.




Mr M Mackie – 361 New Road Saltash PL12 6HL

Single storey rear extension, attic conversion and garage.


Date received: 19/05/22

Response date: 24/06/22

It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.




Mr Tuan Nguyen – 4 Regal House Fore Street Saltash PL12 6JR

Change of use from Class E to a Nail Parlour (Sui Generis).

Ward: Tamar

Date received: 31/05/22

Response date: 24/06/22

It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.




Mr Guy Luscombe – Meadowsweet Farm Longlands Lane Burraton Coombe PL12 4QF

Construction of detached dwelling with associated works with variation of condition 2 of decision PA19/06902 dated 12.12.2019

Ward: Trematon

Date received: 30/05/22

Response date: 24/06/22

It was proposed by Councillor Yates, seconded by Councillor Bullock and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.








Councillors B Samuels and P Samuels declared an interest in the following application PA22/05135.  Members agreed for Councillors B Samuels & P Samuels to remain in the room, to not participate in any discussion of that business with no voting rights, in order that the meeting remains quorate. 


Councillor Dent in the Chair.



Mr S Congdon – Land South of Roodscroft Hatt PL12 6PJ

Proposed covered yard adjoining approved B8 unit under PA21/02720.

Ward: Trematon

Date Received: 09/06/22

Response date: 30/06/22

It was proposed by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Yates and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


Councillors B and P Samuels were invited and rejoined the meeting.


Councillor B Samuels in the Chair.


d.  Tree Notifications:




Mrs Ann HabensMill Quay Cottage Antony Passage St Stephens Cornwall PL12 4QT

Works to trees in a conservation area (CA), works include:

G1) Horn beam and Acer, (planted by residents 2 yrs ago), reduce vertical height by up to 1m and trim/reduce side faces by up to 300 mm to form hedge.

G2) Ash, Fell, trees along water edge, Fell worst with ADB, at moment 3 trees are dead or have hazard beams/cracks in main stem.

T1) Hawthorn, fell, part fallen tree from storm, requires removal before it fails.

T2) Sweet chestnut, Fell, in decline by gate, and near road should it fail, high impact area.

T3) Cypress, Fell, twin stemmed Cypress near Road and gate area, included union at base, if it were to fail impact area is the road, phone lines and possible power line.

Ward: Trematon

Date received: 13/06/22

Response date: 22/06/22


The Chairman informed Members of the Saltash Town Council Voluntary Tree Wardens’ Report.


It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL regarding T1, T2, G1 and G2.  However, in relation to T3 Cypress, the Cornwall Council Tree Officer to re-consider the proposal for works to be carried out to this particular tree.




Supporting documents: