Finance Officer and Finance Assistant roles:
The Town Clerk officially confirmed to Members the Finance Officer has terminated her employment with Saltash Town Council, her last working day is 1st July 2022.
Due to the vacant Finance Assistant post and shortly a vacant Finance Officer post, the necessity to appoint for both roles with immediate effect is paramount therefore the Town Clerk sought prior approval from Members of the Personnel Committee to:
1. Appoint HR Support Consultancy to undertake on behalf of Saltash Town Council the recruitment process for both roles with immediate effect up to interview stage at a maximum cost of £1,500 + VAT
2. Work up the advertisement notice, job description, person specification for the position of Finance Officer and Finance Assistant (as attached)
3. Advertise the vacant posts with CALC, Town Council website, social media channels, all notice boards, Plymouth City Council recruitment website (all free of charge) and Indeed at a cost of £280 + VAT per advert
4. Allocate the above cost to budget 6657 Staff Recruitment Advertising.
It was proposed by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Foster and RESOLVED to ratify the above decision of the Personnel Committee.
Further to the above, the Town Clerk provided Members a report to review and consider temporary finance cover and training up to the appointment of a Finance Officer and Finance Assistant.
It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED to:
1. Increase Rosevale Accountants weekly hours from the 1st July 2022 on a temporary basis from 30 hours to a maximum of 60 hours per week to undertake Town Council finance work at a cost of £26.50 + VAT per hour
2. Review the temporary finance arrangements at the 29th September’s Personnel Committee Meeting
It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Dent and resolved to RECOMMEND to the next Policy and Finance Committee to vire £15,930 from budget code 6694 P&F Staffing Contingency to 6661 P&F Finance Consultancy Fees.
It was proposed by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Peggs and RESOLVED to:
1. Outsource processing of payroll on a temporary basis to Rosevale Accountants from the 1st July 2022 at a cost of £8.50 + VAT allocated to budget code 6305 Finance Software
2. Change from Moorepay Payroll to BrightPay software at no additional cost
3. Purchase BrightHR software for absence management and HR needs - package 1 connect - at a monthly fee per employee of £4.50 + VAT – 1 year contract (10% discount subject to the deadline date) allocated to budget code 6662 HR Professional Fees
4. Appoint Rosevale Accountants to migrate 2022-23 payroll data from Moorepay to BrightPay, set up all employees, and train all staff how to operate BrightHR at a one of cost of £1,000 + VAT allocated and spilt between budget codes 6662 HR Professional Fees and 6305 Finance Software
5. Appoint Rosevale Accountants to maintain BrightHR absence management and support all staff at a monthly fee per employee of £12.00 + VAT allocated to budget code 6662 HR Professional Fees
6. Review the temporary payroll arrangements with Rosevale Accountants at the 29th September’s Personnel Committee Meeting.
It was proposed by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Peggs and resolved to RECOMMEND to Full Council to vire £9,700 from General Reserves allocated and spilt between budget codes 6662 HR Professional Fees and 6305 Finance Software.
Please note; the above recommended budget amount may not be fully utilised due to the works potentially brought back in-house upon appointment and training of new staff.
The Town Clerk informed Members the Chairman and Vice Chairman approved one day compassionate leave and up to two days for distant travel for a member of staff.
It was RESOLVED to note.
The Town Clerk informed Members of a staffing matter.
It was RESOLVED to note.
Supporting documents: