a. To note that Councillor Lennox-Boyd will vote upon the information before her at the meeting but in the light of subsequent information received at Cornwall Council, Councillor Lennox-Boyd may vote differently at that meeting.
b. To note that if Councillor Lennox-Boyd wishes to recommend opposite to the Town Council’s view she will contact the Town Council by email. Considering time constraints, the Town Council will then hold an online poll of Councillors to determine whether to accept the Officer’s view or to ask for the application to be called into committee. The results of these polls will be read into the record at the next Town Council meeting. Members of the public may request, via the Clerk, to be copied into any correspondence.
c. Applications for consideration:
Mr Roland Clarke – 315 New Road Saltash PL12 6HL
Permission to drop kerb and create a hard standing parking area at front of property.
Ward: Tamar
Date received: 13/10/22
Response date: 18/11/22
Mr & Mrs S Rogers – Higher Castle Farm Castle Hill Forder Saltash PL12 4QW
Erection of storage shed for small tractor, sit on mower for applicants’ private use.
Ward: Trematon
Date received: 28/10/22
Response date: 18/11/22
Domino’s Pizza UK & Ireland – Unit 3 Burley Court Pillmere Drive Saltash PL12 6FH
Change of use of the ground floor of the building from car valeting business (Use Class E) to hot food takeaway (sui generis); installation of extraction and ventilation equipment; external alterations including replacement access ramp/steps and entrance doors.
Ward: Tamar
Date received: 25/10/22
Response date: 18/11/22
Mr M Pascoe – The Ferns Carkeel Saltash PL12 6NR
Application for a lawful development certificate for the existing use of buildings and land as a dwelling and garden land used for ancillary and incidental purposes forming the curtilage to the dwelling.
Ward: Trematon
Date received: 28/10/22
Response date: 18/11/22
Mr & Mrs Vidler – 6 Drakefield Drive Saltash PL12 6BU
Rear extension, enlarged front dormer and new raised hardstanding.
Ward: Tamar
Date received: 20/10/22
Response date: 18/11/22
Mr B Venables Brunel Recycling Ltd – Office Building At Roodscroft A388 Between Junction South Of The Cardinals Hatt And Hatt Roundabout Hatt Saltash
New offices and welfare unit.
Ward: Trematon
Date received: 01/11/22
Response date: 22/11/22
d. Tree Applications:
Mr Robin Cole China Fleet Country Club – China Fleet Country Club Ltd Pill Lane North Pill Saltash PL12 6LJ
Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) to fell two Oaks.
Ward: Tamar
Date received: 31/10/22
Response date: 21/11/22
a. To note that Councillor Lennox-Boyd will vote upon the information before her at the meeting but in the light of subsequent information received at Cornwall Council, Councillor Lennox-Boyd may vote differently at that meeting.
b. To note that if Councillor Lennox-Boyd wishes to recommend opposite to the Town Council’s view she will contact the Town Council by email. Considering time constraints, the Town Council will then hold an online poll of Councillors to determine whether to accept the Officer’s view or to ask for the application to be called into committee. The results of these polls will be read into the record at the next Town Council meeting. Members of the public may request, via the Clerk, to be copied into any correspondence.
c. Applications for consideration:
Councillor Miller joined the meeting.
Mr Roland Clarke – 315 New Road Saltash PL12 6HL
Permission to drop kerb and create a hard standing parking area at front of property.
Ward: Tamar
Date received: 13/10/22
Response date: 18/11/22
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Peggs and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
The Chairman withdrew the below application PA22/08741 from the Agenda, as the Town Council has been informed by Cornwall Council that the application is invalid. Should an updated application be received by Cornwall Council, then this will be submitted to the Town Council for consideration.
Mr & Mrs S Rogers – Higher Castle Farm Castle Hill Forder Saltash PL12 4QW
Erection of storage shed for small tractor, sit on mower for applicants’ private use.
Ward: Trematon
Date received: 28/10/22
Response date: 18/11/22
Councillors B Samuels and P Samuels both declared an interest in the next agenda item and left the meeting.
Vice-Chairman, Councillor Dent in the chair.
The Vice-Chairman requested Members approval to allow a member of the public to speak up to three minutes in support of the PA22/08968. Members approved the Vice Chairman’s request.
Domino’s Pizza UK & Ireland – Unit 3 Burley Court Pillmere Drive Saltash PL12 6FH
Change of use of the ground floor of the building from car valeting business (Use Class E) to hot food takeaway (sui generis); installation of extraction and ventilation equipment; external alterations including replacement access ramp/steps and entrance doors.
Ward: Tamar
Date received: 25/10/22
Response date: 18/11/22
It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Bullock and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
Councillors B Samuels and P Samuels were invited and returned to the meeting.
The Chairman, Councillor B Samuels in the chair.
Mr M Pascoe – The Ferns Carkeel Saltash PL12 6NR
Application for a lawful development certificate for the existing use of buildings and land as a dwelling and garden land used for ancillary and incidental purposes forming the curtilage to the dwelling.
Ward: Trematon
Date received: 28/10/22
Response date: 18/11/22
It was RESOLVED to note.
Councillor Foster left the meeting.
Councillor Foster returned to the meeting.
Mr & Mrs Vidler – 6 Drakefield Drive Saltash PL12 6BU
Rear extension, enlarged front dormer and new raised hardstanding.
Ward: Tamar
Date received: 20/10/22
Response date: 18/11/22
It was proposed by Councillor Bullock, seconded by Councillor P Samuels and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
Councillor Lennox-Boyd declared an interest in the next agenda item and left the meeting.
Mr B Venables Brunel Recycling Ltd – Office Building At Roodscroft A388 Between Junction South Of The Cardinals Hatt And Hatt Roundabout Hatt Saltash
New offices and welfare unit.
Ward: Trematon
It was proposed by Councillor Yates, seconded by Councillor Dent and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL subject to compliance with the Countryside Access Officer’s comment which states that Footpath 636/3/1 must remain open and accessible at all times.
Councillor Lennox-Boyd was invited and returned to the meeting.
d. Tree Applications:
Mr Robin Cole China Fleet Country Club – China Fleet Country Club Ltd Pill Lane North Pill Saltash PL12 6LJ
Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) to fell two Oaks.
Ward: Tamar
Date received: 31/10/22
Response date: 21/11/22
The Chairman informed Members of the Saltash Town Council Voluntary Tree Wardens’ Report.
It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Foster and resolved to RECOMMEND REFUSAL to fell the trees subject to the Tree Officers opinion on the safety aspect of the tree location.
Supporting documents: