Agenda item

To receive reports from the Service Delivery Department and consider any actions and associated expenditure:


a.  Departmental Report;


The Town Clerk reported on the Departmental Report received and contained within the circulated reports pack.


The Town Clerk informed Members of the text highlighted in blue, contained and detailed within the report, in which Members were requested to consider resolutions.


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED to;


1.    Delegate to the Town Clerk to repair the North Road bus shelter roof working within budget code 6512 Bus Shelter Maintenance;


2.    Ratify the cost of £235 to replace the Guildhall window allocated to budget code 6410 General Maintenance;


3.    Ratify the change in operational hours to the fully accessible public toilet at Belle Vue in line with other Town Council public toilet operational hours;


4.    Ratify to discontinue the LMP footpath work for the year 2023-24 and delegate to the Service Delivery Manager to ascertain if there is sufficient resource within the department to undertake the work the year 2024-25, and the Finance Officer to carry out a cost exercise for budget setting purposes, both reporting back at the next Services Committee meeting;


5.    Appoint company A to undertake hedge works at Churchtown Cemetery and Allotment site at a cost of £1,024.50 allocated to budget code 6506 Grounds Maintenance and Watering;


6.    Budget sufficient funds for replacement fencing at Churchtown Cemetery in the year 2024-25;


7.    Delegate authority to the Town Clerk to appoint a contractor to carry out the works within budget this year, and future budgeting for Pillmere footpaths works to be undertaken every two years;


8.    Plant evergreen plants for the Autumn/Winter period, and the Spring/Summer planting to be around the evergreen areas to bring colour to the beddings and containers;


9.    Remove the Fore Street hanging baskets at the end of August;


10.Delegate to the Town Clerk to undertake a vehicle exercise reporting back at the next Services Committee meeting.




b.  Grounds Maintenance Works;


The Chairman reported on the Grounds Maintenance report received within the circulated reports pack.


The Town Clerk expressed to Members the importance of the Town Council’s many responsibilities and the volume of work that accompanies those responsibilities.


Members were asked to be mindful when considering future devolution, the impact on resources and the Precept.


It was RESOLVED to note.


c.   Work Request Log; 


Members were advised that the work request log is additional requests received from Members, Officers, and the public via the below link or emailed directly to


It was RESOLVED to note.


d.  Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour Report;


Members agreed the report should be shared with external organisation Safer Saltash to strengthen communications and awareness of the minor crimes being experienced within the Saltash community.


It was RESOLVED to note.


e.  Statutory and Mandatory Building and Asset Checks; 


It was RESOLVED to note.


Supporting documents: