a. Departmental Report;
North Road Bus Stop
It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor B Samuels and RESOLVED to:
1. Approve option 3;
2. Delegate to the Service Delivery Manager to manage the removal of the existing construction in-house, liaising with the Admin Officer;
3. Delegate to the Admin Officer to arrange with Fernbank Advertising to install a new bus shelter and for that shelter to form part of Saltash Town Councils existing shelter advertising agreement, at no cost to the Town Council.
Town Clock
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and RESOLVED to delegate to the Service Delivery Manager to agree a future Service Level Agreement on behalf of the Town Council working within budget 6504 Street Furniture, reporting back at a future Services Committee meeting.
H&S Audit Sept 2023
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor B Samuels and RESOLVED to delegate to the Service Delivery Manager to procure items to meet the health and safety audit requirements working within the relevant Services Committee budgets, reporting back at a future Services Committee meeting.
It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and RESOLVED:
1. To purchase a used chipper machine from Company A at a cost of £3,995 + VAT including a three month warranty and Service Level Agreement;
2. To delegate to the Service Delivery Manager to ensure staff are fully trained, a comprehensive Risk Assessment and Method Statement is agreed by staff, and the equipment is insured;
3. To ensure training and health and safety is in place prior to the machinery becoming operational;
4. To allocate associated costs to budget code 6578 EMF Equipment and Vehicles (Capital Work).
It was RESOLVED to note the remainder of the departmental report.
The Town Clerk informed Members that reports b to e are work-in-progress and that the Service Delivery Manager aims to further improve the shared data.
b. Grounds Maintenance Works;
It was RESOLVED to note.
c. Work Request Log;
It was RESOLVED to note.
d. Statutory and Mandatory Building Asset Checks;
It was RESOLVED to note.
e. Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour Report.
It was RESOLVED to note.
Supporting documents: