Agenda and minutes

Saltash Town Council - Wednesday 5th June 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Guildhall

No. Item


Health and Safety Announcements.


The Chairman informed those present of the actions required in the event of a fire or emergency.


Declarations of Interest:

a.  To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.


b.  The Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration.


a.  To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.




b.  The Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration.




Public Questions - A 15-minute period when members of the public may ask questions of the Town Council.

Please note: Any member of the public requiring to put a question to the Town Council must do so by email or via The Guildhall no later than 12 noon the day before the meeting.


Members of the public are advised to review the Receiving Public Questions, Representations and Evidence at Meetings document prior to attending the meeting.


None received.


To receive and approve the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Saltash Town Council held on 2 May 2024 as a true and correct record. pdf icon PDF 499 KB


Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.


It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Annual Meeting of Saltash Town Council held on 2May 2024 were confirmed as a true and correct record.


To receive and note the minutes of the following Committees and consider any recommendations: pdf icon PDF 240 KB

Additional documents:


a.  Policy and Finance held on 14 May 2024;


It was RESOLVED to note the minutes and consider the following recommendation.






It was proposed by Councillor Gillies, seconded by Councillor Bickford and resolved to RECOMMEND the Saltash Town Council Draft Brand Guidelines and Appendices (as attached) to Full Council to be held on 5th June 2024.


It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor P Samuels and RESOLVED to approve the above recommendation.


b.  Planning and Licensing held on 21 May 2024.


It was RESOLVED to note the minutes. There were no recommendations.


To receive and note the minutes of the Town Vision Sub Committee held on 16 May 2024 and consider any recommendations.


It was RESOLVED to note the minutes. There were no recommendations.


To receive the Chairman's report and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 206 KB


It was RESOLVED to note.


To receive the Monthly Crime Figures and consider any actions. pdf icon PDF 171 KB


It was RESOLVED to note.


To receive a report by Community Enterprises PL12 and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 291 KB


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Foster and RESOLVED to note the report and to write to Community Enterprises PL12 to thank them for their continued invaluable work within the community of Saltash and for providing comprehensive and informative monthly reports.


To receive a report from Community Area Partnerships and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 98 KB


The Town Clerk briefed Members on the report received and contained within the circulated reports pack.


Members were informed of the amended date for the next Community Area Partnership (CAP) meeting to be held on 9 July 2024, which coincides with the Town Council’s scheduled Policy and Finance Committee meeting, and considered membership of the CAP’s additional working groups.


Members confirmed the Chairman of the Town Council will continue to be the representative for the main CAP meetings with the Deputy Chairman as the reserve.


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Bullock and RESOLVED:


1.  To approve the Chairman to attend the 9 July CAP meeting as the Saltash Town Council representative and note her apologies for the scheduled Policy and Finance Committee meeting;


2.  To appoint Members to the following working groups:


a.    Transport representative is Councillor Bickford with Councillor Bullock as reserve;


b.    Climate Change representative is Councillor Lennox-Boyd with Councillor Gillies as reserve;


c.    Health and Wellbeing representative is Councillor Peggs with Councillor Bullock as reserve;


d.    Economic Development representative is Councillor Bullock with Councillor Bickford as reserve (led by Menheniot Parish Council).


To receive a report on behalf of Safer Saltash and consider any actions and associated expenditure.


The last Safer Saltash meeting was held in March therefore nothing to report at this evening’s meeting.


To receive a report from Saltash Chamber of Commerce and consider any actions and associated expenditure.


Due to Saltash Chamber of Commerce having held a meeting on Monday 3June, there had not been sufficient time for a report to be submitted and received at this evening’s meeting.


To receive a report from Cornwall Councillors and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 35 KB


Members received the written report received from Cornwall Councillor Lennox-Boyd, contained and circulated within the reports pack.


Cornwall Councillor Frank spoke of recent training attended to become a Community Speed Watch Group Co-ordinator in Saltash and requested volunteers to assist in Speed Watch in the upcoming weeks.


Cornwall Councillor Worth provided a brief verbal update inclusive of information of the amended Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee meeting date, in which Cornwall Councillor Worth has retained his position as Joint Chairman, and of the impact the general election has had on toll revisions being considered by the Secretary of State. 


The Town Clerk confirmed the timing of the proposed Toll Revision was issued to Members late this afternoon.


Councillor Bickford asked Councillor Worth if there is an update on the wholesale of selling off 2000 of Cornwall Council assets that we have seen in some of the press articles and is there anything on that list that might be relevant to Saltash Town Council?


Councillor Worth confirmed, I’ll ask the question for you and report back.


It was RESOLVED to note.


To receive an update on the future of the health care in Saltash and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 119 KB


The Chairman provided a brief verbal overview of the recently attended Healthcare Action Group meeting and of the positive involvement of NHS Property Services.


It was RESOLVED to note.


To receive annual statistics from Citizens Advice Cornwall and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Additional documents:


Members discussed the difficulties being experienced by residents wishing to access the Citizen Advice services in Saltash.


It was proposed by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor P Samuels and RESOLVED for the Chairman and Deputy Chairman to arrange a meeting with Citizen Advice Saltash to further understand accessibility issues being experienced.


To consider Risk Management reports as may be received.


Nothing to report.


Finance: pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Additional documents:


a.  To advise the receipts for April 2024;


It was RESOLVED to note.


b.  To advise the payments for April 2024;


It was RESOLVED to note.


c.   Urgent and essential works actioned by the Town Clerk under Financial Regulations.


Nothing to Report.


d.  To note that bank reconciliations up to 30 April 2024 were reviewed as correct by the Chairman of Policy & Finance Committee and the Town Clerk.


It was RESOLVED to note.


e.  To note that an audit on recent supplier payments was conducted by the Chairman of Policy & Finance in line with the Council’s Financial Regulations. It was noted that there are no discrepancies to report.


It was RESOLVED to note.


f.    To receive a report on the Mayor’s Charities for the year 2023-24 and consider any actions and associated expenditure.


It was RESOLVED to note.


Councillor Foster left the meeting.


To receive Hudson Accounting Internal Auditors Year End Report dated 31 March 2024 and consider any actions. pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Additional documents:


The Town Clerk briefed Members on the report received and contained within the reports pack.




1.  To note the Internal Auditors Year-end Report dated 31st March 2024 and that there are no suggested actions (as attached);


2.  To note the Annual Internal Audit Report 2023/24 carried out by Hudson Accounting Ltd (as attached).


Councillor Foster returned to the meeting.


Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-2024 (AGAR): pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


The Town Clerk briefed Members on the Annual Governance and Accountability return for the year 2023/24 and requested Members ask any questions that may arise.


a.  To review and confirm whether there is no conflict of interest or if a conflict arises with the appointment of BDO LLP (External Auditor).


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED to confirm that at this stage there are no conflicts of interest with the appointment of BDO LLP as the External Auditors to Small Authorities Audit Appointment (as attached).


b.  To review the appointment of Hudson Accounting as the Internal Auditor to Saltash Town Council and consider any actions and associated expenditure.


It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Foster and RESOLVED:


1.  To re-appoint Hudson Accounting Ltd as Saltash Town Council’s Internal Auditor for the next three financial years based on their competence and independence (as attached);


2.  At cost of £1,200 per annum to be allocated to budget code 6201 P&F Audit.


c.   To receive the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1) and consider any actions.


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Gillies and RESOLVED to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2023-24 (Section 1) as attached.


d.  To receive the Accounting Statements (Section 2) and consider any actions.


It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Lennox-Boyd and RESOLVED to approve the Accounting Statements 2023-24 (Section 2) as attached.


e.  To set the commencement date for the exercise of public rights.


It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to set the commencement date for the exercise of public rights on the 7 June 2024 for a period of 30 working days (as attached).



The Chairman thanked Staff and Members for their continued hard work to obtain a clean audit and asked it to be noted.



To receive and ratify the D-Day 80 commemorations. pdf icon PDF 244 KB


It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED to ratify the Saltash Town Council timetable and for the evening commemorations to be Civic for the D-Day 80 Anniversary to be held on 6 June 2024.


To receive Town Team notes, Vision and Mission and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 271 KB

Additional documents:


Members discussed the possibility of more reserves being added to the Town Team membership to ensure sufficient Town Council representation is always achieved.


The Town Clerk advised the Chairman, at the March meeting the three Town Council Members were in attendance.  Town Team would need to consider this matter under their Terms of Reference.


It was RESOLVED to note the Draft Town Team notes, Vision and Mission.


To receive a report on the Town Vitality Community Space Project and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 201 KB


The Town Clerk provided a brief overview of the report received and contained within the circulated reports pack.


Due to the approximate value of a safety audit (£5k) and Cornwall Council Highways approval, Members were asked to consider suspending Financial Regulations Section 4.2 (three quotes typically over £3,000) to alleviate any further delay in delivering the project within the parameters of the funding criteria.


The remaining procurement requirements are to be met.


Members reaffirmed their support for the project and look forward to welcoming parklets, markets, better signage and planters in Fore Street.


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and RESOLVED:


1.  To suspend Financial Regulations Section 4.2 (three quotes typically over £3,000) to allow Town Team to appoint Cormac to undertake a safety review and audit within the available funding;


2.  To delegate to the Town Clerk to ensure the appointment meets the remaining Town Council procurement regulations.



To receive a consultation from Cornwall Council on the Countywide 20mph Speed Limits and consider any actions. pdf icon PDF 225 KB

Additional documents:


Members debated the Countywide 20mph Speed Limit proposal.


It was proposed by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor P Samuels and RESOLVED:


1.  To support the Countrywide 20mph speed limit phase 3;


2.  To request that the 20mph speed restrictions start from the Fire Station on Callington Road;


3.  To ask Cormac to carefully consider the placement of the 20mph speed limit signs to maximise the street scene.



Planning: pdf icon PDF 149 KB

a.  To note that Councillor Lennox-Boyd will vote upon the information before her at the meeting but in the light of subsequent information received at Cornwall Council, Councillor Lennox-Boyd may vote differently at that meeting.


b.  To note that if Councillor Lennox-Boyd wishes to recommend opposite to the Town Council’s view she will contact the Town Council by email. Considering time constraints, the Town Council will then hold an online poll of Councillors to determine whether to accept the Officer’s view or to ask for the application to be called into committee. The results of these polls will be read into the record at the next Town Council meeting. Members of the public may request, via the Clerk, to be copied into any correspondence.


c.   Applications for consideration:



Mr James Artingstall Bloor Homes (Exeter) – Land At Phase 2A Treleden Broadmoor Farm Stoketon Saltash PL12 6PQ

Application for Non-Material Amendment to PA23/07113 for 'Reserved Matters application in relation to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of a new residential development including affordable housing, public open space, landscape planting, pedestrian, cycle and vehicular links, a Neighbourhood Centre and associated infrastructure (details following outline consent PA14/02447 dated 13.10.2017).', namely 1) Removal of the Makenzie house type and replacement with the McQueen house type to increase floor space on the ground floor.

Ward: Trematon

Date received: 28/05/24

Response date: 10/06/24


d.  Tree Notification:



Mr Martin Knipe Dartana Ltd T/A RYM Claims – Dartana Forder Saltash PL12 4QR

Notification of works to Trees in a Conservation Area namely removal 5 Ash Trees T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6.

Ward: Trematon

Date received: 16/05/24

Response date: 06/06/24



a.  To note that Councillor Lennox-Boyd will vote upon the information before her at the meeting but in the light of subsequent information received at Cornwall Council, Councillor Lennox-Boyd may vote differently at that meeting.


b.  To note that if Councillor Lennox-Boyd wishes to recommend opposite to the Town Council’s view she will contact the Town Council by email. Considering time constraints, the Town Council will then hold an online poll of Councillors to determine whether to accept the Officer’s view or to ask for the application to be called into committee. The results of these polls will be read into the record at the next Town Council meeting. Members of the public may request, via the Clerk, to be copied into any correspondence.


c.   Applications for consideration:



Mr James Artingstall Bloor Homes (Exeter) – Land At Phase 2A Treleden Broadmoor Farm Stoketon Saltash PL12 6PQ


Application for Non-Material Amendment to PA23/07113 for 'Reserved Matters application in relation to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of a new residential development including affordable housing, public open space, landscape planting, pedestrian, cycle and vehicular links, a Neighbourhood Centre and associated infrastructure (details following outline consent PA14/02447 dated 13.10.2017).', namely 1) Removal of the Makenzie house type and replacement with the McQueen house type to increase floor space on the ground floor.

Ward: Trematon

Date received: 28/05/24


It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Miller and resolved to RECOMMEND approval.


d.  Tree Notification:



Mr Martin Knipe Dartana Ltd T/A RYM Claims – Dartana Forder Saltash PL12 4QR

Notification of works to Trees in a Conservation Area namely removal 5 Ash Trees T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6.

Ward: Trematon

Date received: 16/05/24


It was proposed by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and resolved to RECOMMEND:


1.    Approval of T1, T2 and T3 to be removed on the grounds of ADB;


2.    Refusal of the removal of T4, T5, T6 due to lack of Tree Surgeons Report and Saltash Town Council’s Voluntary Tree Warden advice.


Meet your Councillors: The next scheduled meeting date Saturday 8 June 2024 outside Bloom Hearing, Fore Street.


a.  The next scheduled meeting date Saturday 8 June 2024 outside Bloom Hearing, Fore Street.


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Gillies and RESOLVED:


1.  To change the location for future Meet Your Councillor sessions to outside Superdrug, to commence from the 13 July 2024, to allow for additional space;


2.  For Councillors Lennox-Boyd, Peggs, Bullock, Bickford and Miller to attend Meet Your Councillors on Saturday 8 June 2024 outside the former Bloom Hearing building.


Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960:

To resolve that pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


To resolve that pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


To consider any items referred from the main part of the agenda.




Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960:

To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting. 


To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting.


To confirm any press and social media releases associated with any agreed actions and expenditure of the meeting.


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Foster and RESOLVED to issue the following Press and Social Media releases:


1.  Meet Your Councillors;


2.  Countywide 20mph Speed Limit;


3.  Mayor’s Charities for the year 2023/24.


Date of next meeting: 4 July 2024 at 7:00 p.m.


Thursday 4 July 2024 at 7.00pm


Common Seal:

To Order that the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to all Deeds and    

Documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing Acts and Proceedings.


It was RESOLVED that the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to all Deeds and Documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing Acts and Proceedings.