Agenda and draft minutes

Saltash Town Team - Wednesday 18th December 2024 5.30 pm

No. Item


To receive the notes of the Town Team meeting held on 11 November 2024 as a true and correct record. pdf icon PDF 713 KB


Town Clerk requested an amendment to Agenda Item 7 - To receive a report on Saltash promotion and consider any actions and associated expenditure - Point 1 to include ‘Town Visitor Guide’.


The amendment was unanimously agreed.


Members confirmed the notes are now a true and correct record of the meeting.


To review the Terms of Reference and consider any actions. pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Additional documents:


Members received the amended Terms of Reference (ToR) and clarification was sought as to how the Chairman would manage a submitted public question.


Members agreed to add – Responses to public questions will be dealt with at the discretion of the Chairman.


Members approved the amendments to Town Team ToR and agreed to recommend to Saltash Town Council for approval (as attached).


To receive the latest Town Team funding statement and consider any actions. pdf icon PDF 606 KB


The Chairman informed Members of the additional column to include the latest s106 £100k award to the funding statement.


Members noted the Town Team funding statement.



To receive Saltash Town Council's decision on the markets, greening and wayfinding project and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 110 KB


Members discussed the Memorial bench relocation with Councillor Julia Peggs raising an enquiry received on the relocation of the bench.


The Town Clerk reminded Members that Saltash Town Council set a resolution to relocate the memorial bench at the request of Town Team and asked Members to be mindful of the six month Standing Orders rule.


The Chairman requested Councillor Peggs liaise with the resident regarding the matter.


Members noted Saltash Town Council’s support for the Town Team project and approval for:


1.  The relocation of the memorial bench between Diamond Nails and Bandits,


2.  The trees in that area to be lightly pruned to accommodate the markets stalls,


3.  The bin, subject to Cornwall Council’s approval, to be relocated outside Morrison’s, making good the existing areas,


4.  To leave in situ the Town Council noticeboard and instead close the top end of Belle Vue Road to accommodate a meaningful market trial.


Members acknowledged that previous public consultation had highlighted concerns about road closures and the impact on traffic in Fore Street and bus routes. However, Members were satisfied to proceed with the road closure to the top end of Belle Vue Road only, noting its minimal impact to the surrounding areas.


The trial will also enable a more meaningful farmers market experience, allowing for the allocation of 17 stalls. Further communication with the traders is to commence in January providing the details of the next stage of the project and details of the road closure.


To receive a funding report on the markets, greening and wayfinding project and consider any actions and associated expenditure. pdf icon PDF 291 KB


Mel Richardson provided a verbal overview of the report received and contained within the reports pack.


Mel confirmed that trader communications are being planned for January, with Councillors Frank and Peggs volunteering to assist with visits on the day. The aim is to encourage traders to actively monitor the project's success and share feedback on footfall and income throughout the six-month trial period.


Members requested conversations to be had with adjacent shops to Belle Vue Road as it was identified the loading bay that will be impacted by the road closure is used regularly for deliveries.


Members reviewed the associated costs contained within the circulated reports pack for delivering the markets, greening, and wayfinding project. They agreed in principle, to allocate approximately £40,000 from the S106 funding to support the project. However, this decision is subject to further discussions and consideration following the completion of the tender process, at which time individual items may need to be reviewed based on the total costs.


Members discussed the attendance of stallholders, emphasising the importance of prioritising quality (farmers markets) and giving preference to local organisations.


The Chairman agreed to convey these expectations to Diverse Events.


The Town Clerk confirmed that Diverse Events have submitted the Event Notification Form and traffic Management Signage Scheme to Cornwall Council Event Planning, meeting the required 12-week lead time.


Diverse Events will now continue to work on the Event Management Plan and Traffic Management Plan.



To review future Town Team meetings and consider any actions. pdf icon PDF 188 KB


Members discussed the need for additional meeting dates to ensure project delivery by the end of March. It was agreed to schedule an additional meeting on 10 February 2025, subject to confirmation if required.


The Terms of Reference allow for a meeting to be called at the Chairman's discretion should the need arise.






The Town Clerk has contacted Cornwall Council Officers to request an extension on the funding parameters, noting that while funds will be committed and suppliers contracted, some invoices may not be processed by the deadline of 31 March 2025.


Members emphasised the importance of advertising the tender application without delay.


Mel confirmed that she is awaiting the Urbanists technical information to include in the tender pack and will proceed with advertising as soon as possible.


With Christmas approaching, the timing of the tender advertisement is crucial.


The Town Clerk also advised ensuring sufficient time is allocated for applicants to respond making it a fair process for everyone.



Date of Next Meeting: Monday 13 January 2025 at 5:30pm


Monday 13 January 2025 at 5:30p.m.


Meeting ended at 6.25p.m.