Committee details

Saltash Town Team

Purpose of committee



A logo for a town Description automatically generatedA circular emblem with a lion and sword Description automatically generatedA logo with text and a logo Description automatically generated with medium confidenceA black and yellow logo with a crow on top Description automatically generated

Terms of Reference

Saltash Town Team


The aim of the Saltash Town Team is to provide co-ordination of development activity within the town centre; In doing so helping to improve the economic, social and environmental revitalisation of the town centre – making Saltash a better place to live, work, visit and enjoy.  



Three Saltash Town Councillors (One of which to be the Chairman of Saltash Town Council Town Vision Sub Committee, Vice Chairman of Town Vision to be a substitute)


Three Cornwall Councillors (one from each division in Saltash)


Two Three Saltash Chamber of Commerce members (one Member to be a reserve substitute)


Two Three members CEPL12 (one Member to be a reserve substitute)


Advisory/non-voting members – STC Town Clerk and Cornwall Council Community Link Officer (when required)


This is the current list but additional members/officers could be asked to attend if a wider range of advice on a certain project might be required.




Meetings will be postponed if:


50% or more of members indicate, prior to the meeting that they are unable to attend. 


If one, or more, of the Membership organisations is not represented.




Decision Making:


If voting on matters, Town Team will aim to reach consensus decisions, however, it will operate on the basis of one member one vote. In the case of a tie, the Chairman will hold a casting vote.





The Chairman to be appointed annually – May to May.


In the absence of the Chairman a Member of Town Team is to be appointed to Chair that meeting only.



Frequency of Meetings:


The Town Team will meet bi-monthly on the 2nd Monday of the month at 5.30pm, or as required.





The Guildhall





Admin support for the group will be provided by Saltash Town Council.



Reports to:


Saltash Town Council as the accountable body. All financial arrangements will be directed by the standing orders and financial regulations of the Town Council and when projects are requiring confirmation and support and financial overseeing.



Detailed Terms of Reference and Aims of the Saltash Town Team


1.         To bring together stakeholders, private and public sectors in the town to work in partnership and to co-ordinate their activities towards a common goal.


2.         To collate information to help inform decisions.


3.         To formulate a shared understanding for carrying out improvements for the benefit of all stakeholders. As appropriate, to identify and prioritise projects to improve the economic, social and environmental revitalisation of the Town and for its long-term benefits.


4.         To help co-ordinate and implement the activities of those who provide services within the town.


5.         To seek and/or assist with funding of initiatives for the benefit of Saltash.


6.         To work in accept and acknowledge there is a partnership, and actively strive for cohesion within all stakeholders, public and private sector all members of the team, working together for the benefits of the Saltash community.


7.         To offer a forum whereby community groups, residents and private sector companies can seek advice/feedback on their emerging projects within Saltash.  In addition, to engage with the community for the benefit thereof.


8.         To provide a forum whereby Members of the group can help to ensure co-ordination between existing and emerging projects.


9.         To give time or resources towards identified projects, and to establish task and finish groups, as appropriate.


10.      To agree to use an innovative and professional approach for the benefit of Saltash.


11.      To work in accordance with the principles of the Saltash Neighbourhood Plan.


12.      The Members shall publicly support the Town Team in a positive way, and support funding applications


13.      The Members shall help plan, review and refine activities based on their knowledge and expertise.


14.      The Members shall listen to and respect the views of other members of the Town Team.


15.      To publish all agendas and notes on the Town Council website to ensure community engagement and transparency is met at all times.


16.      Securing investment to further the Town Team vision and in partnership with the strategic priorities of the Town Council as outlined in their Business Plan.


17.      To continue to improve the profile of Saltash, ‘the Gateway to Cornwall’ creating a more prosperous, welcoming, green and attractive Town Centre for local people and visitors to enjoy


18.      Working in partnership with other organisations, STT want to build on the town’s strengths, address the weaknesses, realise new opportunities and mitigate any threats to the long-term prosperity of the Town Centre.

