Venue: Guildhall
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Health and Safety Announcements. Minutes: The Chairman informed those present of the actions required in the event of a fire or emergency. |
Declarations of Interest: a. To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.
b. The Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration. Minutes: a. To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.
b. The Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration.
None. |
Questions - A 15-minute period when members of the public may ask questions of Members of the Council. Please note: Any member of the public requiring to put a question to the Town Council must do so by 12 noon the day before the meeting. Minutes: None. |
Minutes: Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.
It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Dent and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee held on 17th January 2023 were confirmed as a true and correct record. |
To consider Risk Management reports as may be received. Minutes: None. |
a. To note that Councillor Lennox-Boyd will vote upon the information before her at the meeting but in the light of subsequent information received at Cornwall Council, Councillor Lennox-Boyd may vote differently at that meeting.
b. To note that if Councillor Lennox-Boyd wishes to recommend opposite to the Town Council’s view she will contact the Town Council by email. Considering time constraints, the Town Council will then hold an online poll of Councillors to determine whether to accept the Officer’s view or to ask for the application to be called into committee. The results of these polls will be read into the record at the next Town Council meeting. Members of the public may request, via the Clerk, to be copied into any correspondence.
c. Applications for consideration:
PA22/11132 Motor Fuel Group – Carkeel Roundabout Callington Road Saltash PL12 6LF Advert Consent: Erection of 7m Pole Sign. Ward:Tamar Date received: 23/01/23 Response date: 24/02/23
PA23/00106 Mr D Bennets – Land Rear of 62 St Stephens Road Saltash PL12 4BJ Erection of one detached dwelling. Ward: Essa Date received: 12/01/23 Response date: 22/02/23
PA23/00193 Mr & Mrs Attwood – 71 Hobbs Crescent Saltash PL12 4JJ Single storey front, side and rear extensions. Ward: Tamar Date received: 11/101/23 Response date: 22/02/23
PA23/00341 Jane Bownas – Smallacombe Carkeel Saltash Replacement of existing rear conservatory extension with new rear extension; replacement of existing single-storey side extension with new single storey side extension and 2 no. proposed dormer windows to the rear of the existing property. Ward: Trematon Date received: 30/01/23 Response date: 24/02/23
PA23/00363 Mr I Waterfall – 128 St Stephens Road Saltash PL12 4NQ Single two storey rear extension to provide dining room, shower room and bathroom. Ward: Essa Date received: 09/02/23 Response date: 02/03/23
PA23/00439 Mr & Mrs Jones – 16 Gallacher Way Saltash PL12 4UT Proposed rear extension. Ward:Trematon Date received: 19/01/23 Response date: 24/02/23
PA23/00444 Mr Mark Chadd – Aberfoyle Plough Green Saltash PL12 4LA First-storey timber-framed extension to the rear of the property to create an additional bedroom and en-suite to master bedroom, extension of front dormer width in master bedroom to extend internal room space and front extension of garage wall to extend out in line with front of property. Ward: Tamar Date received: 24/01/23 Response date: 24/02/23
PA23/00589 Carey – Lewis – Maryfield View Wearde Road St Stephens Saltash Demolition of Partially Substandard Dwelling and Replacement with Ecologically Sensitive Dwelling. Ward: Essa Date received: 01/02/23 Response date: 02/03/23
d. Tree Applications:
PA23/00524 Tristan Evely – Trees At Cedar Court Saltash PL12 6DQ Works to trees under a tree preservation order (TPO): T1 - Bay tree - Prune back to boundary line over neighbouring garden. G1 -Leylandii trees - Crown lift over neighbours garden to achieve 3 metres of clearance above ground level. T2 - 1x Lime tree - Crown lift by removing all epicormic growth up to a height of 5m ... view the full agenda text for item 126/22/23 Minutes: a. To note that Councillor Lennox-Boyd will vote upon the information before her at the meeting but in the light of subsequent information received at Cornwall Council, Councillor Lennox-Boyd may vote differently at that meeting.
b. To note that if Councillor Lennox-Boyd wishes to recommend opposite to the Town Council’s view she will contact the Town Council by email. Considering time constraints, the Town Council will then hold an online poll of Councillors to determine whether to accept the Officer’s view or to ask for the application to be called into committee. The results of these polls will be read into the record at the next Town Council meeting. Members of the public may request, via the Clerk, to be copied into any correspondence.
c. Applications for consideration:
PA22/11132 Motor Fuel Group – Carkeel Roundabout Callington Road Saltash PL12 6LF Advert Consent: Erection of 7m Pole Sign. Ward:Tamar Date received: 23/01/23 Response date: 24/02/23 It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Gillies and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
Councillor Foster declared an interest in the next agenda item and left the meeting.
PA23/00106 Mr D Bennets – Land Rear of 62 St Stephens Road Saltash PL12 4BJ Erection of one detached dwelling. Ward: Essa Date received: 12/01/23 Response date: 22/02/23 It was proposed by Councillor Brady, seconded by Councillor Bullock and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
Councillor Foster was invited and returned to the meeting.
PA23/00193 Mr & Mrs Attwood – 71 Hobbs Crescent Saltash PL12 4JJ Single storey front, side and rear extensions. Ward: Tamar Date received: 11/101/23 Response date: 22/02/23 It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor P Samuels and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
PA23/00341 Jane Bownas – Smallacombe Carkeel Saltash PL12 6NW Replacement of existing rear conservatory extension with new rear extension; replacement of existing single-storey side extension with new single storey side extension and 2 no. proposed dormer windows to the rear of the existing property. Ward: Trematon Date received: 30/01/23 Response date: 24/02/23 It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Yates and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
Councillors Bullock and Foster both declared an interest in the next agenda item and left the meeting.
PA23/00363 Mr I Waterfall – 128 St Stephens Road Saltash PL12 4NQ Single two storey rear extension to provide dining room, shower room and bathroom. Ward: Essa Date received: 09/02/23 Response date: 02/03/23 It was proposed by Councillor Dent, seconded by Councillor Brady and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
Councillors Bullock and Foster were invited and returned to the meeting.
PA23/00439 Mr & Mrs Jones – 16 Gallacher Way Saltash PL12 4UT Proposed rear extension. Ward:Trematon Date received: 19/01/23 Response date: 24/02/23 It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor Stoyel and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
PA23/00444 Mr Mark Chadd – Aberfoyle Plough Green Saltash PL12 4LA First-storey timber-framed extension to the rear of the property to create an additional bedroom and en-suite to master bedroom, extension of front dormer width in master bedroom to extend internal ... view the full minutes text for item 126/22/23 |
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note the consultation.
It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED that should Members have any comments to forward these to the Assistant Town Clerk prior to 3rd March 2023 for onward transmission to Cornwall Council. |
To receive an update from Bloor Homes on the Treledan Phase 2 Development. Minutes: The Chairman informed Members that the presentation from Bloor Homes would exceed 10 minutes breaching Standing orders.
It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Gillies and RESOLVED to suspend Standing Order Section Six, item b) iii (f) to allow Bloor Homes 30 minutes for their presentation.
The Chairman proposed questions be received from Town Councillors and members of the public following the presentation by Bloor Homes.
It was proposed by Councillor B Samuels, seconded by Councillor Foster and RESOLVED to receive questions following the presentation by Bloor Homes for up to 30 minutes.
A member of the public was invited to speak on behalf of the Saltash Flood Forum in relation to the update from Bloor Home on the Treledan Development.
Following the presentation, the Chairman reminded the meeting that the representatives from Bloor Homes had agreed to a meeting with the Saltash Flood Forum, (SFF). The Chairman suggested that the SFF liaise with the Assistant Town Clerk in order to set up this meeting. |
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960: To resolve that pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Minutes: To resolve that Pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. |
To consider any items referred from the main part of the agenda. Minutes: None. |
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960: To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting. Minutes: To resolve that the public and press be re-admitted to the meeting |
To consider urgent non-financial items at the discretion of the Chairman. Minutes: None. |
To confirm any press and social media releases associated with any agreed actions and expenditure of the meeting. Minutes: None. |