Committee details

Planning and Licensing Committee

Purpose of committee

Click here to view archived agenda’s and minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee


Click here to view current Planning applications


Planning and Licensing Committee (P&L)   


Sixteen members


Chairman and Vice Chairman to be elected from the members of the Committee at the first meeting in each Council year. 


All members of the Committee are to undertake Planning training within 6 months of their appointment subject to course availability


Seven members


Every Third Tuesday of the month


6:30 p.m.



Reporting WP:

Saltash Neighbourhood Plan

Reports to:

Town Council


To consider and make responses on behalf of Saltash Town Council for all Planning and Licensing related matters.


Terms of Reference & Matters Delegated to the Committee:


1.  Full delegated authority to make responses on behalf of Saltash Town Council to all applications for licensing or development in and outside the Saltash Town Council area (including Listed Building, Conservation Area consents, consent for advertisement displays etc.) received from Cornwall Council.


2.  To consider any request for pre-application discussions with any developer and make a response on behalf of the Council in accordance with the Town and Parish Councils in Cornwall Guiding Principles for Pre-Application discussions.


3.  To review the Council planning policy and procedure and make recommendations to Council to ensure that the Council is able to meet any additional requirements of the planning process.


4.  To respond to consultation documents regarding tree preservation and other matters regarding general land development.


5.  To consider all appeals against planning refusal by Cornwall Council within Saltash Town Council area and to submit comments to the Planning Inspectorate.


6.  To consider any proposals for new and reviews of the Core Strategy and any other consultation documents of a planning nature and to make resolutions to the Council.


7.  During Planning Committee meetings members of the public who have registered to do so may speak at the discretion of the Chairman and with the approval of members of the Planning Committee.


8.  The period of time designated for public participation at a meeting in accordance with standing order 2(d) shall not exceed 15 minutes unless directed by the Chairman of the meeting.


9.  Consultation with other relevant bodies with similar interests, including other Local Councils and Cornwall Council.


Matters not Delegated to the Committee:

Any matter falling within the remit of the Committee which involves the introduction of a new policy or changes to existing policy, future direction and strategy including neighbourhood planning.
