Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting of Saltash Town Council - Thursday 20th May 2021 7.00 pm

Venue: Guildhall

No. Item


Health and safety announcements.


The Chairman informed those present of the actions required in the event of a fire or emergency.


Cllr G Challen informed the Chairman she would be recording the meeting.


To elect a Chairman.

(The outgoing Mayor to present the Mayors Chain to the incoming Mayor in a socially distant manner. The newly elected Chairman to make their Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office and take the chair).


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Martin and following a recorded vote;






Challen G


Challen L














Samuels B


Samuels P







it was RESOLVED that Councillor P Samuels be appointed Chairman for the year 2021-22.


The Chairman read and signed the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


The Chairman signed the Book of Oaths.



Incoming elected Chairman to present the Past Mayor's Badge to the outgoing Mayor in a socially distanced manner.


Councillor Yates presented the Mayor’s badge to the re-elected Mayor Councillor P Samuels.


To elect a Vice Chairman.

(The Chairman to present the Vice Chairman’s Chain to the incoming Vice Chairman in a socially distant manner).


It was proposed by Councillor Yates, seconded by Councillor Miller and following a recorded vote;






Challen G


Challen L














Samuels B


Samuels P







it was RESOLVED that Councillor Bickford be appointed Vice Chairman for the year 2021-22.


The Mayor presented the Deputy Mayor’s medallion to Councillor Bickford the incoming Deputy Mayor with the approval of all members that it be worn for the duration of the meeting.


To confirm and note that all Members of the Town Council have signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Assistant Town Clerk.


The Assistant Town Clerk confirmed that all 14 Members of the Town Council have signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Assistant Town Clerk.


It was RESOLVED to note.


Declarations of Interest:

a.  To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.


b.  Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of   the meeting for consideration.


a.  To receive any declarations from Members of any registerable (5A of the Code of Conduct) and/or non-registerable (5B) interests in matters to be considered at this meeting.



Agenda Item



Left Meeting

G Challen



Member on Standard Committee




b.  Town Clerk to receive written requests for dispensations prior to the start of the meeting for consideration.




To receive and approve the Minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 1st April 2021 as a true and correct record pdf icon PDF 252 KB


Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.


It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Bickford and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Full Town Council meeting held on Thursday 1st April 2021 were confirmed as a true and correct record.


To note and receive the minutes of the following Committees and consider any recommendations: pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


a.  Policy and Finance held on 9th March 2021


Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the minutes. There were the following recommendations:




172/20/21 POLICIES:


a.  Annual Statement of Internal Control

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


b.  Annual Business Continuity Plan

It was RESOLVED to defer this item to the next Full Council meeting.


c.   Annual Internal Audit Business Risk Assessment

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


d.  Annual Treasury Management Strategy

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL subject to the document being reformatted.


e.  Annual Reserves Policy

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


f.    Anti Bribery Policy Statement & Anti Fraud & Anti-Corruption Strategy

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


g.  Finance Schedule and Precept Plan

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


h.  Scheme of Delegation

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


i.    Financial Regulations

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.




j.    Risk Management Plan Statement

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


k.   Risk Management Strategy

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


l.    Receiving Public Questions at Meetings

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Phillips and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.



It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Yates and RESOLVED to approve all recommendations under minute 172/20/21 collectively.







a.  Co-option Policy

It was proposed by Councillor Miller, seconded by Councillor P Samuels and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL subject to the removal of the requirement for a Proposer and Seconder on page 5 of the policy.


b.  Equality and Diversity Policy

It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Peggs and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.


c. Communication Policy

It was RESOLVED to defer this item to the next Full Council Meeting.


d. Provision of IT and Acceptable Use Policy

It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Bickford and resolved to RECOMMEND APPROVAL.



It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Peggs and RESOLVED to approve all recommendations under minute 173/20/21 collectively.



b. Planning and Licensing held on 16th March 2021


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the minutes. There were no recommendations.



c.   Personnel held on 13th April 2021


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the minutes. There were the following recommendations.






The Finance Officer updated Members  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35/21/22


To note and receive the minutes of the Christmas Lights and Town Events Sub Committees held on 23rd March 2021 and consider any recommendations. pdf icon PDF 195 KB


Please see a copy of the minutes on the STC website or request to see a copy at the Guildhall.


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the minutes. There were no recommendations.



To reaffirm the Council has met the eligibility criteria and is able to adopt and exercise the general power of competence.


The Assistant Town Council informed Members of the General Power of Competence:


The General Power of Competence (GPC) is the power of first resort and was introduced to provide Councils the power to do anything individuals generally may do if they do not break other laws. 


For a Council to be eligible it must have a qualified Clerk who holds either the Certificate in Local Council Administration or Certificate of Higher Education in Local Policy.  Two thirds of its members must be elected Councillors rather than co-opted.


The Council must resolve that it meets the criteria to be eligible for the GPC at its Annual Town Meeting following elections and to revisit that decision and make a new resolution at every Annual Town Meeting of the council following elections.


It was proposed by Councillor G Challen, seconded by Councillor Fox and RESOLVED to reaffirm that Saltash Town Council meets the eligibility criteria and agreed to adopt the General Power of Competence.



To consider adopting Cornwall Council newly adopted Code of Conduct as recommended by the Committee on Standards in Public Life. pdf icon PDF 301 KB


Councillor G Challen declared an interest and advised she would not be voting.


The Assistant Town Clerk informed Members of Cornwall Councils new code of conduct for Councils in Cornwall.


The House of Lords Committee in standards of public life made a number of significant recommendations as part of its review into the code of conduct; after detailed work the Cornwall code has been updated to reflect these recommendations.


CALC strongly supports this single code for all elected members in Cornwall and is pleased to recommend the 2021 edition.


As the legislation and role of elected Members is slightly different between the two tiers of local government, it will always be difficult to have a single version which reflects both.


The code contained a number of elements specific to the Unitary Authority and the actions of Unitary Councillors as individuals. 


Therefore CALC made a number of minor amendments which are highlighted in red on the version circulated to Members.


The Assistant Town Clerk advised Members to adopt the Cornwall Council Code of Conduct as recommended by the Committee on Standards in Public Life and CALC.


It was proposed by Councillor Fox, seconded by Councillor Gillies and RESOLVED to approve and adopt Cornwall Councils newly adopted Code of Conduct.



To receive and note the schedule of meetings calendar for the year 2021-22 future meetings of this Town Council. pdf icon PDF 198 KB


It was RESOLVED to note subject to amendments as follows:


a.  Saltfest is to be held on 31st July 2021.


b.  Regatta to be held on 4th and 5th September 2021.



To note the time and place of Full Council meetings up to and including the next Annual Meeting of Full Council.


It was RESOLVED to note that Full Town Council meetings are to be held at the Guildhall subject to Covid-19 restrictions on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m with the next Annual Town Council Meeting to be held on Thursday 5th May 2022.


To approve the co-option process to fill the Tamar and Essa vacant seat on this Town Council.


It was proposed by Councillor Peggs, seconded by Councillor Bullock and RESOLVED to:


1.    Approve the co-option process to fill the Tamar and Essa vacant seat on the Council.


2.    Advertise the two vacancies from Friday 21st May 2021 with a closing date of 4th June 2021.


3.    Schedule an Extraordinary Full Town Council meeting to carry out co-option interviews to be held on Thursday 10th June 2021.


4.    Appoint two successful candidates to Essa and Tamar Wards.


To appoint Members to the following committees:

(To note; Services, Policy & Finance, Planning & Licensing and Burial Authority Committees hold a composition of sixteen Members therefore appointments are not required, all Members will be summoned to the scheduled meetings of this Town Council)


(To note; Services, Policy & Finance, Planning & Licensing and Burial Authority Committees hold a composition of sixteen Members therefore appointments are not required, all Members will be summoned to the scheduled meetings of this Town Council)


a.  Personnel

(Composition of six Members. All members of this Committee must undertake employment law training within 6 months of taking Office subject to course availability.)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors G Challen, Fox, Miller, Peggs, B Samuels and Taylor be appointed to the Personnel Committee.


b.  Joint Burial Board

(Membership established by separate constitution together with St Stephens PCC - composition of four STC Members)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors B Samuels and Yates be appointed to the Joint Burial Board Committee with two vacancies requiring to be filled.



To appoint Members to the following sub committees:


a.    Devolution

(Composition of eight Members)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors Bickford, Bullock, Gillies, Martin, Peggs, B Samuels, P Samuels and Yates be appointed to the


b.    Property Maintenance

(Composition of eight Members)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors Bickford, Martin, Miller, P Samuels and Taylor be appointed to the Property Maintenance Sub Committee with three vacancies requiring to be filled.


c.     Station Property

(Composition of eight Members)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors Bickford, Bullock, Miller, Peggs, P Samuels, Taylor and Yates be appointed to the Station Property Sub Committee with one vacancy requiring to be filled.


d.    Town Centre Vision

(Composition of eight Members)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors Bullock, Gillies, Martin, Miller, Peggs, Taylor and Yates be appointed to the Town Centre Vision Sub Committee with one vacancy requiring to be filled.


e.    Library

(Composition of eight Members)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors Bullock, G Challen, Fox, Martin, B Samuels, P Samuels, Taylor and Yates be appointed to the Library Sub Committee.


f.      Christmas Lights and Town Events

(Composition of eight Members)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors L Challen, Gillies, Miller, Peggs and P Samuels be appointed to the Christmas Lights and Town Events Sub Committee with three vacancies requiring to be filled.


To appoint Members to the following Working Parties:


a.    Neighbourhood Plan

(Composition of two Council representatives)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors Taylor and Yates be appointed on the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party.


b.    Saltash Team for Youth

(Composition of four Members)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors Fox, Martin and Peggs be appointed to the Saltash Team for Youth Working Party with 1 vacancy requiring to be filled.


c.    S106 Working Party

(Composition of four Members)


It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Martin and RESOLVED to discontinue the S106 working party as it is no longer required.


d.    Climate Change and Environmental Working Party

(Composition of five Members)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors Gillies, Martin, Miller, Peggs and Yates be appointed to the Climate Change and Environmental Working Party.


e.    Waterfront Management

(Composition of six Members)


Councillor Bickford briefed Members on the remit and vision of the Waterfront Management Working Party.


It was proposed by Councillor Bickford, seconded by Councillor Miller and RESOLVED to approve to increase the composition to 7 Members and following a vote Councillors Bickford, Bullock, G Challen, Martin,  P Samuels, Taylor and Yates be appointed to the Waterfront Management Working Party.


To appoint Members to outside Partnerships:


a.    Section S106 Steering Group

(Composition of two Members, Mayor and Deputy Mayor)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillor Peggs, The Mayor and Deputy Mayor be appointed to represent the Town Council on the Section S106 Steering Group with 1 vacancy to be determined if required, subject to the S106 Terms of Reference.


b.    Town Team

(Composition of four Members)


Following a vote, it was RESOLVED that Councillors Bullock, Martin, B Samuels and once elected the Chairman of the Town Centre Vision Sub Committee be appointed to represent the Town Council on Town Team.


To readopt the following Town Council policies: pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Please note the following policies can be viewed on the website here:


Please note the following policies can be viewed on the website here:


a. Employees

      i.        Data Protection Criminal Records

    ii.        Data Protection Policy Employees

   iii.        Disability Employment

   iv.        Employee Handbook

    v.        Recruitment

   vi.        Staff Members Relations


b. Finance

      i.        Receipting of Income & Banking Procedures

    ii.        Annual Business Continuity Plan

(Pursuant to P&F held on 9.03.21 minute nr. 172/20/21)


c. General

      i.        Acquisition or Sale of Land and Property

    ii.        Customer Feedback

   iv.        Data Retention and Disposal

    v.        Freedom of Information

   vi.        Grants Policy and Application

  vii.        Information and Data Protection

 viii.        Management of Transferable Data

   ix.        Model Publication Scheme

    x.        Planning Handbook

   xi.        Safeguarding

  xii.        Social Media

 xiii.        STC Seals and Logo

xiv.        Terms of Reference – Committees

  xv.        Unreasonable Persistent Complaints

xvi.        Zero Tolerance


d. Health & Safety

      i.        Health and Safety Handbook

    ii.        Library

   iii.        Library Computer Access and Usage

   iv.        Library Information Security

    v.        Library Information Storage

   vi.        Stock Management

  vii.        Wi-Fi Acceptable Use


f. Members

      i.        Advisory Dress Code Councillors

    ii.        Code of Conduct

   iii.        Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor





It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Fox and RESOLVED to:


1.    Re-adopt all policies from 20a through to 20f with the exception of policy 20c iii


2.    Receive the remaining policies at the next Full Council meeting to be held on 3rd June 2021.


Members identified the requirement for policies to be further reviewed at an Extraordinary Policy and Finance meeting to be held at a later date.


c. General

iii. Communications Policy


It was proposed by Councillor P Samuels, seconded by Councillor Fox and RESOLVED to approve and formally adopt the Communications Policy.


To note the Town Council insurance policies: pdf icon PDF 138 KB

(Saltash Town Council are currently in a contract agreement with Zurich until October 2022)


Additional documents:


a.   Employers Liability

(Limit of Indemnity £10M)


It was RESOLVED to note.


b.   Public Liability

(Limit of Indemnity £15M)


It was RESOLVED to note and to ensure the limit of indemnity provides enough coverage for the Town Council.


To receive any items for information purposes only.




The Assistant Town Clerk advised Members sign up to the following training sessions:


1.  Code of Conduct – Monday 21st June 2021 at 7pm


2.  Being a Good Councillor including roles and responsibilities – Monday 5th July 2021 at 7pm


3.  Chairmanship Training – Monday 12th July 2021 at 7pm.



The Assistant Town Clerk informed Members of the Personnel Committee of their attendance required at the ACAS for beginners training sessions in line with the Terms of Reference for the Committee.   Course date and time to follow.



Elections Expenses:


The Assistant Town Clerk reminded Members to return their Election Expenses forms to the Returning Office by 3rd June 2021.



To consider urgent non-financial items at the discretion of the Chairman.




To confirm any press and social media releases associated with any agreed actions and expenditure of the meeting.


It was RESOLVED to issue the following Press and Social Media releases:


1.  Co-option Vacancies and Advertisement


2.  The appointment of Office of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Saltash for the year 2021-22.


Councillor Pinckney left the meeting.


Date of next meeting: Thursday 3rd June 2021 at 7:00p.m.


Thursday 3rd June 2021 at 7:00 p.m.


Common Seal:

To Order that the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to all Deeds and  Documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing Acts and Proceedings.


It was RESOLVED that the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to all Deeds and Documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing Acts and Proceedings.