Committee details

Joint Burial Board Committee

Purpose of committee

Click here to view archived agenda’s and minutes of the Joint Burial Board Committee


Joint Burial Board (BB)


Membership as established by separate constitution:


The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and two elected Members.

The Incumbent or Priest in charge of the Parish St Stephen-by-Saltash.

Two Churchwardens of the Parish of St Stephen-by-Saltash.

Undertakers regularly using the Churchyard are entitled to appoint a representative to represent their views but not entitled to vote.

The Town Clerk will be Secretary to the Board.


The Incumbent or Priest in charge of the Parish of St Stephen-by-Saltash will be the ex-officio Chairman (entitled to vote but without a casting vote).

The Mayor will be Deputy Chairman.


Any member of the Council is able to attend and may participate at the discretion of the Chairman but may be asked to leave if the press and public are excluded.


Any 3 members for non-financial matters, 3 STC members for financial matters




6:00 p.m.



Reports to:

Full Council


Maintenance and operation of St Stephen’s Cemetery and to work within the individual delegated authority budget.


Terms of Reference & Matters Delegated to the Committee:

1.  The improvement, maintenance and management of the open section of cemetery grounds in St Stephen’s Cemetery.


2.  To consider such matters as may be delegated by the Council from time to time.


3.  Reviewing the level of fees and charges of the Committee’s functions and making appropriate recommendations to the P & F Committee.


4.  To consider and submit to the P & F Committee annual estimates of income and expenditure on continuing services and capital expenditure for the forthcoming year and 5-year forecast.


5.  Authorisation of expenditure within the Committee’s budget, provided that the payment is made from a budget that is within the limits of the scheme of delegation or previously approved by the Council. The committee cannot commit or spend from future budgets not confirmed or from future years.


6.  The virement of funds within the Committee’s total budget must be authorised by the P & F Committee.


7.  All aspects of Health and Safety that fall within the remit of the Committee.


8.  Making recommendations to the Council on all matters not within existing policy.


9.  Preparation and review of a plan for future requirements within the scope of the Committee regardless of feasibility.


Matters not delegated to the Committee:

Any matter falling within the remit of the Committee which involves the introduction of a new policy or changes to existing policy, future direction and strategy.
