Julia Peggs

Profile image for Julia Peggs

Title: Mayor

Ward: Tamar Ward

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Email:  j.peggs@saltash.gov.uk

Download Julia Peggs contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 01/03/2019 -

Additional Information

Julia and husband Geoff have lived in Saltash for 30 years, her maternal family originated from Saltash and were fishing folk from the Waterside, so she says she feels she has ‘come home’. They have two grown up sons, one who runs his own business in New York and the other a Teacher.

Becoming a Town Councillor after retiring a couple of years ago, Julia has run her own businesses, but originally trained as a nurse, therefore understands compassion, dedication and respect for people, values she likes to lead her life by.

A volunteer with Livewire, Julia also volunteered with Community Enterprise PL12 and is now a Director with the organization. She also volunteers at Abbeyfield assisted living in Saltash.

Julia is a supporter of our Fore Street traders and also campaigns for Saltash to have Plastic Free status. Julia led the community bunting project this year and kept many people busy sewing during lock-down. She says “I was so proud of everyone who contributed to the bunting and to see their efforts in Fore Street was amazing .

A supporter of many charities, local and national, she has five times walked 26 miles at night in her decorated bra, in London and Edinburgh for Breast Cancer fundraising and has also taken part in many other charity walks and other fundraising events.

In her spare time, Julia sings with Rock Choir, does Pilates, enjoys Country walks and gardening with Geoff, travelling and best of all spending time with her many supportive friends and family .