Matt Griffiths

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Ward: Essa Ward

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I have lived in Saltash for 25 years. My wife Sarah and I moved here in 1997 as a great place to bring up our children. We love living here and I was delighted to be co-opted as a Councillor for the Essa Ward on Saltash Town Council in June this year.


My career has been primarily focused on leading charities and social enterprises, particularly in education, the creative industries and in community regeneration. I am currently the CEO of Youth Music, a national charity supporting young people to make, learn and earn in music particularly those facing barriers in their lives.


As a Councillor, my goal is to make a positive contribution to help Saltash reach its full potential, improve people’s lives and promote the town as a great, welcoming and inclusive place to live, work and visit. I’m learning so much in my first six months in the role and thank-you to everyone for making me so welcome.