Sarah Martin

Profile image for Sarah Martin

Ward: Tamar Ward

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Contact information


Bus. mobile:  07717442879

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Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 11/10/2018 -

Additional Information

Sarah Martin joined the council in October 2018 after winning a by-election for South Ward. She had a long career in Marketing and Communications in this country and abroad in Germany, working most recently for the NHS in Community Health Services in Cornwall. She now works freelance from home fitting her council and work duties around looking after her two children.


Sarah is Chair of Saltash Chamber of Commerce and is an active member looking at measures and efforts to increase footfall in Fore Street and the town as a whole. “Joining the Council has seen me get involved in lots of projects which all have the growth and well-being of the town at their heart”, she said.


Sarah is a active member of Saltash Regatta, May Fair and Christmas Festival committees, and the Kalan Gwav committee which succeeded in delivering a vibrant community festival in 2019 thanks to the general public’s enthusiastic response to its crowdfunding appeal. She said, “It was a big ask of Saltash residents to help us keep the event alive but so many people rose to that challenge and backed us in our hour of need. It was a truly humbling and amazing experience.”


Sarah is also the lead councillor looking at the Climate Emergency and how it will affect our lives here in Saltash. She said, “However much some of us would like to deny that a climate emergency is happening, it’s no longer an option to delay the changes that we will need to put in place, from changing to energy efficient lightbulbs or alternative forms of transport, or even just increasing our recycling rates”. Sarah successfully led the council to acknowledge a Climate and an Ecological Emergency in February 2021.


Her aim for this next term in office is to drive forward with positive change for Saltash and be a strong and passionate voice and advocate for residents of Saltash Tamar.