Sheila Lennox-Boyd

Profile image for Sheila Lennox-Boyd

Ward: Essa Ward

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information


Bus. mobile:  07808164388

Download Sheila Lennox-Boyd contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 01/10/2017 - 10/05/2021
  • 09/09/2021 -

Additional Information

After forty years in the hospitality trade while running a number of successful businesses in and around Saltash, Sheila Lennox-Boyd decided to further involve herself in her community by standing for Council. She was already involved in the local sporting scene as President of Saltash United football club and a patron of the rugby club in Saltash.

Having been elected a Cornwall Councillor in 2017 she decided that it would be helpful for a local councillor to serve on both Cornwall and Saltash Town Council so successfully stood for South ward later that year.

As a former local business person and employer she is especially keen to see Saltash and Cornwall work together with a sound vision for the future of Saltash. She sees the Town teams on which she serves as having potential to see the Town emerge post COVID, regenerated and more prosperous, presenting a united front she sees opening up revenue sources to achieve this.

Sheila also serves on the library sub committee, while holding a monthly surgery there she has become increasingly aware of its popularity and potential as a community asset following proposed refurbishment.

Living in the Saltash countryside along side a public footpath Sheila, during lockdown, was made aware of the value of our rights of way for physical and mental wellbeing especially giving climate change concerns. She is now walking all local footpaths and is anxious to ensure they are assessable and properly publicised.