Richard Bickford

Profile image for Richard Bickford

Ward: Essa Ward

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Bus. mobile:  07737390151

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Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 20/08/2007 -

Additional Information

Richard represents Saltash East on Saltash Town Council and has done for almost 10 years. He lives in the ward with wife Sarah and daughter Sophie. Richard is the longest current serving Councillor.

Richard has spent 25 years working for the University of Plymouth in a number of IT management roles, with responsibility for a number of corporate systems.

Whilst a Town Councillor Richard has been involved with projects and initiatives to support the town centre and Waterside areas and is the Town Council representative on SWRA. Probably the most significant project Richard has, and is still leading on, is to bring the derelict Railway Station building back into a good condition and enable community use. The refurbishment is now almost complete, and soon the building will be something to be proud of. Richard was determined that Saltash residents did not have to fund the whole cost and has worked tirelessly to attract external funding (over £0.5M).

He has previously been a Governor at St Stephens CP School and is currently a volunteer director at Community Enterprises PL12, who run the Hub on Fore Street, 18 Belle View Road, the home of Citizens Advice and Saltash Foodbank amongst other initiatives, Richard says CEPL12 can often achieve alternatives to the Town Council and feels the roles complement each other well.

Richard has also helped run the towns annual regatta for many years and has chaired the committee in the past. Richard said, ‘The regatta is a celebration of Saltash’s association with the river, held in an amazing setting spanning much of the Waterside. This year’s event is on the 13th and 14th June.

In his spare time Richard enjoys sailing competitively, which he has done at top international level and walking in the local area.