Pete Samuels

Profile image for Pete Samuels

Ward: Tamar Ward

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Contact information


Bus. mobile:  07415454001

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Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 24/08/2017 -

Additional Information

I both live and work in Saltash, where with my wife Brenda and the help of two of our Sons together with our loyal staff, we run the family business based on the Tamar View Industrial Estate. Our company is largely based online and supplies goods to customers across the UK and into Europe.

Brenda will be familiar to many in the town as President of Saltash Rotary Club during the year 2016-17 and I became a Rotarian in 2017 after having assisted Rotary from the sidelines for the previous two or three years.
During my spare time away from the business I can be found in the recording studio compiling and presenting my radio programme 'The Vinyl Decades' which features music from the mid 1950's to the early 1990's and can be heard on FM and also via the internet.

It is a privilege to have been elected by the people of East Ward to serve as their Town Councillor for Saltash and I shall be proud to represent these residents wholeheartedly.