Jonathan Foster

Profile image for Jonathan Foster

Ward: Essa Ward

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My name is Jon Foster and I represent Essa Ward. I was elected in December 2021 by the wonderful people of Saltash. I have lived in Saltash all my life, 63 years and still counting!


My main interest is to become a clear and concise voice for the people in Essa Ward and Saltash as a whole. I strive to ensure opinions and concerns received by me from the residents of Saltash are heard by those working for the people – Saltash Town Council.


I am currently employed as a lollipop person and have been since 8th December 2018. I take pride in my work and find it hugely rewarding as I not only assist the young persons and adults to cross the road safely but am a confidant in their times of need.


I have seen Saltash grow and change so much over the years and find it is wise to know the various views of all those I meet and talk too. I want the town of Saltash to thrive and have many ideas I wish to work towards becoming reality such as a varied town centre for shopping and socialising.


There are many reasons I became a councillor but the most important to me is the chance to give something back to the community I live in and love dearly.


I have a keen interest and involvement in the rejuvenation of Coombe Woods and am committed to its upkeep and continued accessibility to the community.

I started the Coombe Woods Regeneration Project as a result of having depression and anxiety. The work down there offers me peace and quiet which I find very therapeutic.


One of the most recent projects I have undertaken is making fairy houses with the aim to encourage families to take a peaceful walk in the woods and enjoy what nature has to offer in our beautiful town. It all started with only 2 fairy houses and has now grown to 14 with 2 fairy villages recently installed in the woods and more to come in 2022.